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# Creating some 'x y' data to plot and
# save output using 'table' and
# datablock named 'data'
set table $data
plot (1E-5 + sin(x)*1E-5)
unset table
# Performs statistics using 'y' column
# to find max value, turn off output, and
# set prefix name 'data' to stats results
stats $data u 2 nooutput name 'data'
set tmargin at screen 0.94 # Change the top margin
# Define a label containing the power to base 10
# of max value from data and put on top-left
# using the same value of top margin
# but using offset on y axis
set label gprintf('×10^{%T}',data_max) at graph 0.0, screen 0.94 offset 0,0.75
set format y '%.2t' # Format for 'y' values using mantissa
# to base 10 and 2 decimal places
set xlabel 't' # label to 'x' axis
set ylabel 'Ω' # label to 'y' axis
unset key # Turn off key (legend)
set tics nomirror # Turn off upper and right tic marks
# The plot itself
plot $data using 1:2 w l