Вот Python-версия инструмента Bake Pivot: он работает с базовой сферой, но я мог допустить некоторые ошибки. В конце скрипта есть команды для поиска файлов mel, содержащих код.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
def bakeCustomToolPivot(pos=1, ori=1):
# Check 1) must have an object(s) selected
objects = cmds.ls(sl=1, transforms=1)
shapes = cmds.ls(sl=1, shapes=1)
if len(shapes) > 0:
transforms = cmds.listRelatives(path=1, parent=1, type='transform')
objects += transforms
if len(objects) == 0:
return None
# Check 2) must be in the move/rotate/scale tool
currentCtx = cmds.currentCtx()
contextList = ["moveSuperContext", "manipMoveContext", "RotateSuperContext",
"manipRotateContext", "scaleSuperContext", "manipScaleContext"]
if currentCtx not in contextList:
return None
# Check 3) must be in custom orientation mode
customOri = []
pivotModeActive = 0
customModeActive = 0
if currentCtx == "moveSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipMoveContext":
customOri = cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', q=1, orientAxes=1)
pivotModeActive = cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', q=1, editPivotMode=1)
customModeActive = cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', q=1, mode=1) / 6
elif currentCtx == "RotateSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipRotateContext":
customOri = cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', q=1, orientAxes=1)
pivotModeActive = cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', q=1, editPivotMode=1)
customModeActive = cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', q=1, mode=1) / 3
elif currentCtx == "scaleSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipScaleContext":
customOri = cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', q=1, orientAxes=1)
pivotModeActive = cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', q=1, editPivotMode=1)
customModeActive = cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', q=1, mode=1) / 6
if ori and not pos and not customModeActive:
return None
# Get custom orientation
if ori and customModeActive:
customOri[0] = mel.eval('rad_to_deg({})'.format(customOri[0]))
customOri[1] = mel.eval('rad_to_deg({})'.format(customOri[1]))
customOri[2] = mel.eval('rad_to_deg({})'.format(customOri[2]))
# Set object(s) rotation to the custom one (preserving child transform positions and geometry positions)
cmds.rotate(customOri[0], customOri[1], customOri[2], objects, a=1, pcp=1, pgp=1, ws=1, fo=1)
if pos:
for object in objects:
# Get pivot in parent space
# object = 'pSphere4'
old = [0, 0, 0]
m = cmds.xform(object, q=1, m=1)
p = cmds.xform(object, q=1, os=1, sp=1)
old[0] = (p[0] * m[0] + p[1] * m[4] + p[2] * m[8] + m[12])
old[1] = (p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[5] + p[2] * m[9] + m[13])
old[2] = (p[0] * m[2] + p[1] * m[6] + p[2] * m[10] + m[14])
# Zero out pivots
cmds.xform(objects, zeroTransformPivots=1)
# Translate object(s) back to previous pivot (preserving child transform positions and geometry positions)
new = cmds.getAttr(object + ".translate")[0]
cmds.move((old[0] - new[0]), (old[1] - new[1]), (old[2] - new[2]), object, pcp=1, pgp=1, ls=1, r=1)
# Exit pivot mode
if pivotModeActive:
# Set the axis orientation mode back to object
if ori and customModeActive:
if currentCtx == "moveSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipMoveContext":
cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=1, mode=0)
elif currentCtx == "RotateSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipRotateContext":
cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, mode=0)
elif currentCtx == "scaleSuperContext" or currentCtx == "manipScaleContext":
cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=1, mode=0)
print(mel.eval('whatIs bakeCustomToolPivot;'))
print(mel.eval('whatIs performBakeCustomToolPivot;'))