Я извлекаю функции MFCC, используя две разные библиотеки:
- Библиотека python_speech_features
- The BOB lib
Однако выходные данные отличаются, и даже формы не одинаковы. Это нормально? или есть параметр, который мне не хватает?
Соответствующий раздел моего кода следующий:
import bob.ap
import numpy as np
from scipy.io.wavfile import read
from sklearn import preprocessing
from python_speech_features import mfcc, delta, logfbank
def bob_extract_features(audio, rate):
#get MFCC
rate = 8000 # rate
win_length_ms = 30 # The window length of the cepstral analysis in milliseconds
win_shift_ms = 10 # The window shift of the cepstral analysis in milliseconds
n_filters = 26 # The number of filter bands
n_ceps = 13 # The number of cepstral coefficients
f_min = 0. # The minimal frequency of the filter bank
f_max = 4000. # The maximal frequency of the filter bank
delta_win = 2 # The integer delta value used for computing the first and second order derivatives
pre_emphasis_coef = 0.97 # The coefficient used for the pre-emphasis
dct_norm = True # A factor by which the cepstral coefficients are multiplied
mel_scale = True # Tell whether cepstral features are extracted on a linear (LFCC) or Mel (MFCC) scale
c = bob.ap.Ceps(rate, win_length_ms, win_shift_ms, n_filters, n_ceps, f_min,
f_max, delta_win, pre_emphasis_coef, mel_scale, dct_norm)
c.with_delta = False
c.with_delta_delta = False
c.with_energy = False
signal = np.cast['float'](audio) # vector should be in **float**
example_mfcc = c(signal) # mfcc + mfcc' + mfcc''
return example_mfcc
def psf_extract_features(audio, rate):
signal = np.cast['float'](audio) #vector should be in **float**
mfcc_feature = mfcc(signal, rate, winlen = 0.03, winstep = 0.01, numcep = 13,
nfilt = 26, nfft = 512,appendEnergy = False)
#mfcc_feature = preprocessing.scale(mfcc_feature)
deltas = delta(mfcc_feature, 2)
fbank_feat = logfbank(audio, rate)
combined = np.hstack((mfcc_feature, deltas))
return mfcc_feature
track = 'test-sample.wav'
rate, audio = read(track)
features1 = psf_extract_features(audio, rate)
features2 = bob_extract_features(audio, rate)
t = (features1 == features2)