Unity 2d * Проект поиска пути: как заставить объект патрулировать случайные точки? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 08 мая 2018

Как следует из названия, этот вопрос относится к проекту поиска путей Unity A *. Я скачал этот пакет для своей игры-лабиринта, чтобы враги могли перемещаться по лабиринту. До сих пор я следовал учебному пособию (ссылка будет предоставлена ​​ниже ), и все настроено. Однако я, похоже, не знаю, как реализовать приведение лучей или другой метод, чтобы заставить вражеский патруль к случайной точке в непрерывном цикле.

A * Учебное пособие

Примечание: Существует проблема с моими текущими настройками, которые я понятия не имею, если это повлияет на правильную работу вашего ответа.

По какой-то причине, когда я запускаю свою игру, вражеский ай действительно движется к целевой области, но через несколько дюймов он останавливается преждевременно, даже если он находится далеко от местоположения цели и не сталкивается с какими-либо другими объектами.

Код искателя:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;

namespace Pathfinding {
    /** Handles path calls for a single unit.
     * \ingroup relevant
     * This is a component which is meant to be attached to a single unit (AI, Robot, Player, whatever) to handle its pathfinding calls.
     * It also handles post-processing of paths using modifiers.
     * \shadowimage{seeker_inspector.png}
     * \see \ref calling-pathfinding
     * \see \ref modifiers
    public class Seeker : VersionedMonoBehaviour {
        /** Enables drawing of the last calculated path using Gizmos.
         * The path will show up in green.
         * \see OnDrawGizmos
        public bool drawGizmos = true;

        /** Enables drawing of the non-postprocessed path using Gizmos.
         * The path will show up in orange.
         * Requires that #drawGizmos is true.
         * This will show the path before any post processing such as smoothing is applied.
         * \see drawGizmos
         * \see OnDrawGizmos
        public bool detailedGizmos;

        /** Path modifier which tweaks the start and end points of a path */
        public StartEndModifier startEndModifier = new StartEndModifier();

        /** The tags which the Seeker can traverse.
         * \note This field is a bitmask.
         * \see \ref bitmasks
        public int traversableTags = -1;

        /** Penalties for each tag.
         * Tag 0 which is the default tag, will have added a penalty of tagPenalties[0].
         * These should only be positive values since the A* algorithm cannot handle negative penalties.
         * \note This array should always have a length of 32 otherwise the system will ignore it.
         * \see Pathfinding.Path.tagPenalties
        public int[] tagPenalties = new int[32];

        /** Graphs that this Seeker can use.
         * This field determines which graphs will be considered when searching for the start and end nodes of a path.
         * It is useful in numerous situations, for example if you want to make one graph for small units and one graph for large units.
         * This is a bitmask so if you for example want to make the agent only use graph index 3 then you can set this to:
         * \code seeker.graphMask = 1 << 3; \endcode
         * \see \ref bitmasks
         * Note that this field only stores which graph indices that are allowed. This means that if the graphs change their ordering
         * then this mask may no longer be correct.
         * If you know the name of the graph you can set the mask like this:
         * \snippet MiscSnippets.cs Masks.FromGraphName
         * Some overloads of the #StartPath methods take a graphMask parameter. If those overloads are used then they
         * will override the graph mask for that path request.
         * \shadowimage{multiple_agents/seeker.png}
         * \see \ref multiple-agent-types
        public int graphMask = -1;

        /** Callback for when a path is completed.
         * Movement scripts should register to this delegate.\n
         * A temporary callback can also be set when calling StartPath, but that delegate will only be called for that path
        public OnPathDelegate pathCallback;

        /** Called before pathfinding is started */
        public OnPathDelegate preProcessPath;

        /** Called after a path has been calculated, right before modifiers are executed.
        public OnPathDelegate postProcessPath;

        /** Used for drawing gizmos */
        List<Vector3> lastCompletedVectorPath;

        /** Used for drawing gizmos */
        List<GraphNode> lastCompletedNodePath;

        /** The current path */
        protected Path path;

        /** Previous path. Used to draw gizmos */
        private Path prevPath;

        /** Cached delegate to avoid allocating one every time a path is started */
        private readonly OnPathDelegate onPathDelegate;

        /** Temporary callback only called for the current path. This value is set by the StartPath functions */
        private OnPathDelegate tmpPathCallback;

        /** The path ID of the last path queried */
        protected uint lastPathID;

        /** Internal list of all modifiers */
        readonly List<IPathModifier> modifiers = new List<IPathModifier>();

        public enum ModifierPass {
            // An obsolete item occupied index 1 previously
            PostProcess = 2,

        public Seeker () {
            onPathDelegate = OnPathComplete;

        /** Initializes a few variables */
        protected override void Awake () {

        /** Path that is currently being calculated or was last calculated.
         * You should rarely have to use this. Instead get the path when the path callback is called.
         * \see pathCallback
        public Path GetCurrentPath () {
            return path;

        /** Stop calculating the current path request.
         * If this Seeker is currently calculating a path it will be canceled.
         * The callback (usually to a method named OnPathComplete) will soon be called
         * with a path that has the 'error' field set to true.
         * This does not stop the character from moving, it just aborts
         * the path calculation.
         * \param pool If true then the path will be pooled when the pathfinding system is done with it.
        public void CancelCurrentPathRequest (bool pool = true) {
            if (!IsDone()) {
                path.FailWithError("Canceled by script (Seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest)");
                if (pool) {
                    // Make sure the path has had its reference count incremented and decremented once.
                    // If this is not done the system will think no pooling is used at all and will not pool the path.
                    // The particular object that is used as the parameter (in this case 'path') doesn't matter at all
                    // it just has to be *some* object.

        /** Cleans up some variables.
         * Releases any eventually claimed paths.
         * Calls OnDestroy on the #startEndModifier.
         * \see ReleaseClaimedPath
         * \see startEndModifier
        public void OnDestroy () {

        /** Releases the path used for gizmos (if any).
         * The seeker keeps the latest path claimed so it can draw gizmos.
         * In some cases this might not be desireable and you want it released.
         * In that case, you can call this method to release it (not that path gizmos will then not be drawn).
         * If you didn't understand anything from the description above, you probably don't need to use this method.
         * \see \ref pooling
        public void ReleaseClaimedPath () {
            if (prevPath != null) {
                prevPath.Release(this, true);
                prevPath = null;

        /** Called by modifiers to register themselves */
        public void RegisterModifier (IPathModifier modifier) {

            // Sort the modifiers based on their specified order
            modifiers.Sort((a, b) => a.Order.CompareTo(b.Order));

        /** Called by modifiers when they are disabled or destroyed */
        public void DeregisterModifier (IPathModifier modifier) {

        /** Post Processes the path.
         * This will run any modifiers attached to this GameObject on the path.
         * This is identical to calling RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcess, path)
         * \see RunModifiers
         * \since Added in 3.2
        public void PostProcess (Path path) {
            RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcess, path);

        /** Runs modifiers on a path */
        public void RunModifiers (ModifierPass pass, Path path) {
            if (pass == ModifierPass.PreProcess) {
                if (preProcessPath != null) preProcessPath(path);

                for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.Count; i++) modifiers[i].PreProcess(path);
            } else if (pass == ModifierPass.PostProcess) {
                Profiler.BeginSample("Running Path Modifiers");
                // Call delegates if they exist
                if (postProcessPath != null) postProcessPath(path);

                // Loop through all modifiers and apply post processing
                for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.Count; i++) modifiers[i].Apply(path);

        /** Is the current path done calculating.
         * Returns true if the current #path has been returned or if the #path is null.
         * \note Do not confuse this with Pathfinding.Path.IsDone. They usually return the same value, but not always
         * since the path might be completely calculated, but it has not yet been processed by the Seeker.
         * \since Added in 3.0.8
         * \version Behaviour changed in 3.2
        public bool IsDone () {
            return path == null || path.PipelineState >= PathState.Returned;

        /** Called when a path has completed.
         * This should have been implemented as optional parameter values, but that didn't seem to work very well with delegates (the values weren't the default ones)
         * \see OnPathComplete(Path,bool,bool)
        void OnPathComplete (Path path) {
            OnPathComplete(path, true, true);

        /** Called when a path has completed.
         * Will post process it and return it by calling #tmpPathCallback and #pathCallback
        void OnPathComplete (Path p, bool runModifiers, bool sendCallbacks) {
            if (p != null && p != path && sendCallbacks) {

            if (this == null || p == null || p != path)

            if (!path.error && runModifiers) {
                // This will send the path for post processing to modifiers attached to this Seeker
                RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcess, path);

            if (sendCallbacks) {

                lastCompletedNodePath = p.path;
                lastCompletedVectorPath = p.vectorPath;

                // This will send the path to the callback (if any) specified when calling StartPath
                if (tmpPathCallback != null) {

                // This will send the path to any script which has registered to the callback
                if (pathCallback != null) {

                // Recycle the previous path to reduce the load on the GC
                if (prevPath != null) {
                    prevPath.Release(this, true);

                prevPath = p;

                // If not drawing gizmos, then storing prevPath is quite unecessary
                // So clear it and set prevPath to null
                if (!drawGizmos) ReleaseClaimedPath();

        /** Returns a new path instance.
         * The path will be taken from the path pool if path recycling is turned on.\n
         * This path can be sent to #StartPath(Path,OnPathDelegate,int) with no change, but if no change is required #StartPath(Vector3,Vector3,OnPathDelegate) does just that.
         * \code
         * var seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>();
         * Path p = seeker.GetNewPath (transform.position, transform.position+transform.forward*100);
         * // Disable heuristics on just this path for example
         * p.heuristic = Heuristic.None;
         * seeker.StartPath (p, OnPathComplete);
         * \endcode
         * \deprecated Use ABPath.Construct(start, end, null) instead.
        [System.Obsolete("Use ABPath.Construct(start, end, null) instead")]
        public ABPath GetNewPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end) {
            // Construct a path with start and end points
            return ABPath.Construct(start, end, null);

        /** Call this function to start calculating a path.
         * Since this method does not take a callback parameter, you should set the #pathCallback field before calling this method.
         * \param start     The start point of the path
         * \param end       The end point of the path
        public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end) {
            return StartPath(start, end, null);

        /** Call this function to start calculating a path.
         * \param start     The start point of the path
         * \param end       The end point of the path
         * \param callback  The function to call when the path has been calculated
         * \a callback will be called when the path has completed.
         * \a Callback will not be called if the path is canceled (e.g when a new path is requested before the previous one has completed) */
        public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, OnPathDelegate callback) {
            return StartPath(ABPath.Construct(start, end, null), callback);

        /** Call this function to start calculating a path.
         * \param start     The start point of the path
         * \param end       The end point of the path
         * \param callback  The function to call when the path has been calculated
         * \param graphMask Mask used to specify which graphs should be searched for close nodes. See #Pathfinding.NNConstraint.graphMask. This will override #graphMask for this path request.
         * \a callback will be called when the path has completed.
         * \a Callback will not be called if the path is canceled (e.g when a new path is requested before the previous one has completed) */
        public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, OnPathDelegate callback, int graphMask) {
            return StartPath(ABPath.Construct(start, end, null), callback, graphMask);

        /** Call this function to start calculating a path.
         * \param p         The path to start calculating
         * \param callback  The function to call when the path has been calculated
         * The \a callback will be called when the path has been calculated (which may be several frames into the future).
         * The \a callback will not be called if a new path request is started before this path request has been calculated.
         * \version Since 3.8.3 this method works properly if a MultiTargetPath is used.
         * It now behaves identically to the StartMultiTargetPath(MultiTargetPath) method.
         * \version Since 4.1.x this method will no longer overwrite the graphMask on the path unless it is explicitly passed as a parameter (see other overloads of this method).
        public Path StartPath (Path p, OnPathDelegate callback = null) {
            // Set the graph mask only if the user has not changed it from the default value.
            // This is not perfect as the user may have wanted it to be precisely -1
            // however it is the best detection that I can do.
            // The non-default check is primarily for compatibility reasons to avoid breaking peoples existing code.
            // The StartPath overloads with an explicit graphMask field should be used instead to set the graphMask.
            if (p.nnConstraint.graphMask == -1) p.nnConstraint.graphMask = graphMask;
            StartPathInternal(p, callback);
            return p;

        /** Call this function to start calculating a path.
         * \param p         The path to start calculating
         * \param callback  The function to call when the path has been calculated
         * \param graphMask Mask used to specify which graphs should be searched for close nodes. See #Pathfinding.NNConstraint.graphMask. This will override #graphMask for this path request.
         * The \a callback will be called when the path has been calculated (which may be several frames into the future).
         * The \a callback will not be called if a new path request is started before this path request has been calculated.
         * \version Since 3.8.3 this method works properly if a MultiTargetPath is used.
         * It now behaves identically to the StartMultiTargetPath(MultiTargetPath) method.
        public Path StartPath (Path p, OnPathDelegate callback, int graphMask) {
            p.nnConstraint.graphMask = graphMask;
            StartPathInternal(p, callback);
            return p;

        /** Internal method to start a path and mark it as the currently active path */
        void StartPathInternal (Path p, OnPathDelegate callback) {
            p.callback += onPathDelegate;

            p.enabledTags = traversableTags;
            p.tagPenalties = tagPenalties;

            // Cancel a previously requested path is it has not been processed yet and also make sure that it has not been recycled and used somewhere else
            if (path != null && path.PipelineState <= PathState.Processing && path.CompleteState != PathCompleteState.Error && lastPathID == path.pathID) {
                path.FailWithError("Canceled path because a new one was requested.\n"+
                    "This happens when a new path is requested from the seeker when one was already being calculated.\n" +
                    "For example if a unit got a new order, you might request a new path directly instead of waiting for the now" +
                    " invalid path to be calculated. Which is probably what you want.\n" +
                    "If you are getting this a lot, you might want to consider how you are scheduling path requests.");
                // No callback will be sent for the canceled path

            // Set p as the active path
            path = p;
            tmpPathCallback = callback;

            // Save the path id so we can make sure that if we cancel a path (see above) it should not have been recycled yet.
            lastPathID = path.pathID;

            // Pre process the path
            RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PreProcess, path);

            // Send the request to the pathfinder

        /** Draws gizmos for the Seeker */
        public void OnDrawGizmos () {
            if (lastCompletedNodePath == null || !drawGizmos) {

            if (detailedGizmos) {
                Gizmos.color = new Color(0.7F, 0.5F, 0.1F, 0.5F);

                if (lastCompletedNodePath != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < lastCompletedNodePath.Count-1; i++) {
                        Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector3)lastCompletedNodePath[i].position, (Vector3)lastCompletedNodePath[i+1].position);

            Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 1F, 0, 1F);

            if (lastCompletedVectorPath != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < lastCompletedVectorPath.Count-1; i++) {
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(lastCompletedVectorPath[i], lastCompletedVectorPath[i+1]);

Код Астар AI:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
//Note this line, if it is left out, the script won't know that the class 'Path' exists and it will throw compiler errors
//This line should always be present at the top of scripts which use pathfinding
using Pathfinding;

public class AstarAI : MonoBehaviour
  //The point to move to
  public Transform target;

  private Seeker seeker;

  //The calculated path
  public Path path;

  //The AI's speed per second
  public float speed = 2;

  //The max distance from the AI to a waypoint for it to continue to the next waypoint
  public float nextWaypointDistance = 3;

  //The waypoint we are currently moving towards
  private int currentWaypoint = 0;

  public void Start ()
    seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>();

    //Start a new path to the targetPosition, return the result to the OnPathComplete function
    seeker.StartPath( transform.position, target.position, OnPathComplete );

  public void OnPathComplete ( Path p )
    Debug.Log( "Yay, we got a path back. Did it have an error? " + p.error );
    if (!p.error)
      path = p;
      //Reset the waypoint counter
      currentWaypoint = 0;

  public void FixedUpdate ()
    if (path == null)
      //We have no path to move after yet

    if (currentWaypoint >= path.vectorPath.Count)
      Debug.Log( "End Of Path Reached" );

    //Direction to the next waypoint
    Vector3 dir = ( path.vectorPath[ currentWaypoint ] - transform.position ).normalized;
    dir *= speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
    this.gameObject.transform.Translate( dir );

    //Check if we are close enough to the next waypoint
    //If we are, proceed to follow the next waypoint
    if (Vector3.Distance( transform.position, path.vectorPath[ currentWaypoint ] ) < nextWaypointDistance)

Если вам нужна дополнительная информация, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать.

Вся помощь будет принята с благодарностью!

Захват компонента противника Ai:

enter image description here
