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/// <summary>
/// Draw an arc with .Net code
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">Start point</param>
/// <param name="b">Stop oint</param>
/// <param name="centerPoint">Center point</param>
/// <param name="nauticalMiles"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string ExactArtGpsCoordinate(TfrXY a, TfrXY b, TfrXY centerPoint, decimal nauticalMiles)
//Notice database store longitude then latitude
StringBuilder coordinates = new StringBuilder();
DbGeography point = DbGeography.PointFromText(string.Format("POINT ({0} {1})", centerPoint.LngX, centerPoint.LatY), DbGeography.DefaultCoordinateSystemId);
// create a circle around a point, convert from Nautical Miles to Kilometers
var radius = UniversalWeather.Weather.API.Utility.MetricConversions.MetricConversions.NauticalMilesToMeters(nauticalMiles);
DbGeography orig = point.Buffer(Convert.ToDouble(radius));
string resultData = orig.AsText();
//Clean data
resultData = resultData.Replace("POLYGON ((", "");
resultData = resultData.Replace(", ", ",0\n");
resultData = resultData.Replace("))", ",0");
resultData = resultData.Replace(" ", ",");
//Convert the circular coordinate into array
string[] splitCoordinates = resultData.Split('\n');
bool IsEastToWest = false;
#region Determinte direction
if (a.LngX > b.LngX)
IsEastToWest = true;
//Add stop point
coordinates.Append(b.LngX.ToString() + "," + b.LatY.ToString() + ",0\n");
//Help to split the calculation for the arc
double middleX = (a.LngX + b.LngX) / 2f;
double middleY = (a.LatY + b.LatY) / 2f;
for (int i = 0; i < splitCoordinates.Length; i++)
//split data to long then lat
string[] temp = splitCoordinates[i].Split(',');
//Current longitude
double cx = Convert.ToDouble(temp[0]);
double cy = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1]);
#region Logic for East to West
if (IsEastToWest)
////Half East
if (a.LatY > cy && middleX <= cx)
coordinates.Append(splitCoordinates[i] + "\n");
//Half West
else if (middleX >= cx && b.LatY >= cy)
coordinates.Append(splitCoordinates[i] + "\n");
#region Logic for West to EAST
//Half West
if (a.LatY < cy && middleX >= cx)
coordinates.Append(splitCoordinates[i] + "\n");
//Half East
else if (middleX <= cx && cx < b.LngX && cy > centerPoint.LatY)
coordinates.Append(splitCoordinates[i] + "\n");
//Add start point
coordinates.Append(a.LngX.ToString() + "," + a.LatY.ToString() + ",0\n");
return coordinates.ToString();