Создайте реактивный информационный кадр маркетинговых данных для объединения в sf
пространственный информационный кадр, содержащий полигоны почтовых индексов, через sp::merge()
(соединение произойдет чуть позже, я к этому вернусь):
reactive_map_data1 <- reactive({
df %>%
filter(BrandAccount_Brand %in% input$selectBrandRecruitment1) %>%
group_by(POA_CODE, ordertype) %>%
summarise("Number of Orders type and postcode" = n(), "AOV" = round(mean(TotalDiscount), 2)) %>%
left_join(seifa, by = "POA_CODE") %>%
left_join(over25bypostcode, by = "POA_CODE") %>%
mutate(`Proportion of Population Over 25` = round(n() / `25_and_over` * 100, 4))
Визуализация окончательной карты - profvis
определяет, что это влияет на медленную часть:
input$gobutton_recruitment1, {
## First I load the spatial data with each call to render the
## map - this is almost certainly sub-optimal however I can't
## think of another way to do this as each time the data are
## joined I have no other way of re-setting the gdal.postcodes2
## spatial dataframe to its original state which is why I reload
## it from .rds each time:
gdal.postcodes_recruitment1 <- readRDS("gdal.postcodes2.rds")
## I then merge the marketing `reactive_map_data1()` dataframe
## created in Step 2 with the freshly loaded `gdal.postcodes2`
## spatial dataframe - `profvis` says this is pretty slow but
## not as slow as the rendering of the map
gdal.postcodes_recruitment1@data <- sp::merge(gdal.postcodes_recruitment1@data, reactive_map_data1(), by.x = "POA_CODE", all.x = TRUE)
## Next I generate the domain of `colorBin` with the `Number of
## Orders type and postcode` variable that only exists after the
## merge and is subject to change from user input - it resides
## within the `reactive_map_data1()` dataframe that gets merged
## onto the `gdal.postcodes2()` spatial dataframe.
pal <- colorBin("YlOrRd", domain =
gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Number of Orders type and
postcode`, bins = bins_counts)
## Lastly I update the leaflet with `leafletProxy()` to draw the
## map with polygons and fill colour based on the
## `reactive_map_data1()` values
leafletProxy("leaflet_map_recruitment1", data = gdal.postcodes_recruitment1) %>%
addPolygons(data = gdal.postcodes_recruitment1,
fillColor = ~pal(gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Number of Orders type and postcode`),
weight = 1,
opacity = 1,
color = "white",
dashArray = "2",
fillOpacity = .32,
highlight = highlightOptions(
weight = 3.5,
color = "white",
dashArray = "4",
fillOpacity = 0.35,
bringToFront = TRUE),
layerId = gdal.postcodes_recruitment1@data$POA_CODE,
label = sprintf(
paste("Postcode: ", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$POA_CODE, sep = ""),
paste("% of Population Over 25: ", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Proportion of Population Over 25`, "%"),
paste("Number of Orders: ", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Number of Orders type and postcode`, sep = ""),
paste("Ave Order Value: $", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`AOV`, sep = ""),
paste("Advantage & Disadvantage: ", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Relative Socio-Economic Advantage and Disadvantage Decile`, sep = ""),
paste("Education and Occupation: ", gdal.postcodes_recruitment1$`Education and Occupation Decile`, sep = "")
) %>%
labelOptions = labelOptions(
style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
textsize = "15px",
direction = "auto")) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~bins_counts,
title = "# of Recruits (All Time)",
labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = ""),
opacity = 1
) %>%
setView(lng = reactive_state_recruitment1()$Lon, lat = reactive_state_recruitment1()$Lat, zoom = reactive_state_recruitment1()$States_Zoom)