Это решение требует некоторых итераций, но, кажется, работает большую часть времени.Однако в тех же случаях он застревает с параболой на неправильной стороне, иногда отверстие кажется слишком широким.Но если входные данные настолько плотны, как предполагает изображение OP (в отличие от моих случайных входных данных), этого, вероятно, следует избегать.
В примере используются параболы типа a + b * x**2
, но с добавлением линейного терминаНет проблем.
Код выглядит следующим образом:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from random import random
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, curve_fit, fmin
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import warnings
np.set_printoptions( precision = 5 )
def parabola( x, a, b, c ):
return a + b * x + c * x**2
### find the shortest distance between a given point and a parabola
### actually give x such as ( x, f(x) ) is closest to ( x0, y0 )
def orth_dist( x0, y0, a, b, c ):
f = lambda x: np.sqrt( ( x - x0 )**2 + ( parabola( x, a, b, c ) - y0 )**2 )
sol = fmin( f, x0, disp=False )
return sol[ 0 ]
### cost function: standard distance if point is above parabola
### or extra cost if point is below
def myDist( r, dy , off=4e0 ):
out = abs( r )
if dy <= 0:
out = max( [out, off + off * abs( r) ] )
return out
def residuals( p, data, off=0 ): # data is of type [ [x0,y0], [x1,y1],... ]
xList, yList = zip( *data )
### a standard fit uses the distance in y direction between curve and
### data point. Here it is better to use the shortest distance.
### To find the shortest distance some extra numerics is required.
xopt = [ orth_dist( x0, y0, *p ) for x0, y0 in zip( xList, yList ) ]
yopt = [ parabola( x, *p ) for x in xopt ]
yFitList = [ parabola( x, *p ) for x in xList ]
rList = [ np.sqrt( ( x - x0 )**2 + (y - y0 )**2 ) for x, x0, y , y0 in zip( xList, xopt, yList, yopt ) ]
signList = [ y - yTh for y, yTh in zip( yList, yFitList ) ]
out = [ myDist( r, dy , off=off ) for r, dy in zip( rList, signList ) ]
return out
### removing the upper points of the convex hull
### as it is convex, it can be at most a straight line
### from the most left to the most right point
### if a point of the hull is on or above this line, dump it
def remove_upper( data ):
sortedByX = sorted( data)
xList, yList = zip( *sortedByX )
m = ( yList[-1] - yList[0] ) / ( xList[-1] - xList[0] )
out = [ sortedByX[0] ]
for p in range( 1, len(data ) ):
x = xList[ p ]
y = yList[ p ]
if y < m * ( x - xList[0]) + yList[0]:
out += [ sortedByX[ p ] ]
out += [ sortedByX[ -1 ] ]
return out
### my choice of 'true' parameters
myParameters = ( .45, -1.3, 2.33)
### just some random data for testing
scatterData = list()
for i in range(180):
x = 3*( 2 * random() - 1) + 1.1
y = 8 * random()
if y > parabola( x, *myParameters ):
scatterData += [ [ x, y ] ]
### to fit the parabula we do not need inner points,
### so let's take the convex hull
hull = ConvexHull(scatterData )
scatterDataHull = list()
for index in hull.vertices:
scatterDataHull += [ scatterData[ index ] ]
### the upper points of the convex hull are also useless
#### if not disturbing, so get rid of them as well
scatterDataHullR = remove_upper( scatterDataHull )
### exact data for plotting
xxList = np.linspace( -4, 4, 300 )
yyList = [ parabola( x, *myParameters ) for x in xxList ]
scatterX, scatterY =zip(*scatterDataHullR)
start, pcov = curve_fit( parabola, *zip(*scatterDataHullR) )
fit = list( start )
counter = 0
test = True
myOff = .1
while test:
counter += 1
### "simple" fit with orthogonal distance
fit, err = leastsq( residuals, x0=fit, args=( scatterDataHullR, myOff ) )
### as points below the parabola are forbidden, we give those a high
### cost in the fitting. Starting with very high costs, however,
### results in bad convergence. So we start with a rather low cost,
### check if some points are below and---if so---increase the cost.
### We then fit again with the previous result as starting point.
### (Note sometimes this fails, but I did not have time to
### investigate this cases. Moreover I hope that this is due
### to my quite random points, while the points in the OP look
### by for more regular.)
print "fit",fit
xList, yList = zip( *scatterDataHullR )
yFitList = [ parabola( x, *fit ) for x in xList ]
signList = [ y - yTh for y, yTh in zip( yList, yFitList ) ]
print counter, myOff
print signList
if min( signList ) < 0:
myOff *= 2
test = False
if counter > 50: # maxiter
test = False
warnings.warn( "Max iterations reached.", UserWarning )
startList = [ parabola( x, *start ) for x in xxList ]
fitList = [ parabola( x, *fit ) for x in xxList ]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot( xxList, yyList , label='true parabula')
ax.plot( xxList, startList, label='simple fit' )
ax.plot( xxList, fitList, label='result')
ax.scatter( *zip( *scatterData ), s=60, label='full data')
ax.scatter( *zip( *scatterDataHull ), s=40, label='convex hull')
ax.scatter( *zip( *scatterDataHullR ), s=20, label='lower hull' )
ax.legend( loc=0 )
ax.set_xlim( [ -2, 5 ] )
ax.set_ylim( [ 0, 10 ] )
>>fit [ 0.62572 -1.75611 2.81445]
>>1 0.1
>>[0.6213711303862084, 0.18684681979766804, -0.30967646606163246, -0.146185783279136, 1.5115384666142262e-08, 0.04091503213347902, -0.22456258154469477, -0.10366901944547369]
>>fit [ 0.6484 -1.80986 2.75176]
>>2 0.2
>>[0.62199186259362, 0.17515271586535786, -0.34273136096659584, -0.17923227341075365, 9.718855165097295e-10, 0.057645756995909014, -0.10363664705794662, 0.13933840419257315]
>>fit [ 0.6484 -1.80986 2.75176]
>>3 0.4
>>[0.62199186259362, 0.17515271586535786, -0.34273136096659584, -0.17923227341075365, 9.718855165097295e-10, 0.057645756995909014, -0.10363664705794662, 0.13933840419257315]
>>fit [ 0.53489 -1.56037 2.54129]
>>4 0.8
>>[1.3184522612014575, 0.7674472388911582, -0.021666294928952112, 0.025470161835318805, 0.056401815047789794, 0.10025191012633528, 2.6445583856116173e-07, 0.4250810523461581]
>>fit [ 0.51566 -1.53254 2.53166]
>>5 1.6
>>[1.3836247162551256, 0.8254553204503852, 0.016315167888327764, 0.0536843248273029, 0.06793421458085641, 0.10848235358916569, 2.42328743738085e-08, 0.42471967128564003]