Мы пытаемся создать покрытие кода при выполнении ручных тестов для приложения, размещенного в службах приложений Azure.
У меня есть учетная запись trail в portal.azure.com с привилегией 'user'.
Попробовал следующие параметры: A. Использовать инструменты VS в консоли Azure и локально B. Использовать OpenCover в консоли Azure
Оба вышеупомянутых параметра с использованием инструментов VS и Opencover использовались на локальном хосте (сервере IIS) дляуспешно сгенерировать покрытие кода в ручных тестах runnign.
A.Шаги для покрытия кода с помощью инструментов VS в Azure: 1. cd D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 15.0 \ Team Tools \ Performance Tools 2. vsinstr / охват D: \ home \ site \ wwwroot \ bin \ abc.dll 3. vsperfcmd / start: охват / выход: D:\home\LogFiles\Testing123.coverage 4. vsperfcmd -shutdown
Issue1: The generated code coverage file has error: Empty results generated: No binaries were instrumented. Make sure the tests ran, required binaries were loaded, had matching symbol files, and were not excluded through custom settings. For more information see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=253731
However I'm able to generate code coverage on the same application which has been hosted in my local IIS server. The same 4 steps mentioned above is working. The issue is that the instrumented dll doesn't log the transactions performed on the hosted application.
Reference: https://gurunadhduvvuru.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/generating-functional-testing-code-coverage/
PS: We have tried starting the coverage process before and after publish the application.
B.Шаги для покрытия кода с помощью Open Cover в Azure 1. OpenCover.Console.exe -target: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ inetsrv \ w3wp.exe -targetargs: "- debug -s 1" -targetdir: C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot\ bin \ -filter: + [] -register: пользовательский-выход: C: \ Users \ охват2.xml
Issue 2: Access denied is displayed when the application is not running.
Issue 3: The generated coverage file is empty and doesn't has the same error mentioned in Issue 1, on executing the opencover command when the application is running.
Reference: https://automationrhapsody.com/code-coverage-manual-automated-tests-opencover-net-applications/
Any help on the reason for the generated coverage file to be empty ? or any reference to suffice my requirement would be much appreciated?