Я проводил самостоятельные тренировки в ComputeShaders с использованием великолепных обучающих программ по отслеживанию лучей Unity от Daerst (из http://blog.three -eyed-games.com / 2018/05/03 / gpu-ray-tracing-in-unity-part-1 / ).
В настоящее время я занимаюсь расширением raytracer для приема произвольных объектов сетки, чтобы я мог визуализировать другие объекты, а не только сферы и плоскости.Я написал свою собственную реализацию Moeller-Trombore, используя реализацию руководства из Википедии, и она работала, как и ожидалось, для небольшого числа треугольников (порядка 700).
Однако я обнаружил, что написание меша с 80000вершины в буфер занимают непристойное количество времени порядка минут.Я знаю, что это число вершин довольно низкое в соответствии со стандартами рендеринга, поэтому я полагаю, что в способе его обработки должно быть что-то, что вызывает проблемы с производительностью.
Для пояснения, моя проблема с производительностью не в терминахFPS после загрузки меша - для моих целей все, что больше, чем .1FPS, отлично!Он загружает меш, который кажется слишком медленным.
Вот мой код ComputeShader:
#pragma kernel CSMain
RWTexture2D<float4> Result;
float4x4 _CameraToWorld;
float4x4 _CameraInverseProjection;
float4 _DirectionalLight;
float2 _PixelOffset;
Texture2D<float4> _SkyboxTexture;
SamplerState sampler_SkyboxTexture;
static const float PI = 3.14159265f;
float sdot(float3 x, float3 y, float f = 1.0f)
return saturate(dot(x, y) * f);
float energy(float3 color)
return dot(color, 1.0f / 3.0f);
float2 _Pixel;
float _Seed;
float rand()
float result = frac(sin(_Seed / 100.0f * dot(_Pixel, float2(12.9898f, 78.233f))) * 43758.5453f);
_Seed += 1.0f;
return result;
struct Geometry
uint type; //4;
float smoothness; //8;
float3 albedo; //20;
float3 specular; //32;
float3 emission; //44;
int3 verts; //56
StructuredBuffer<Geometry> _Geometries;
StructuredBuffer<float3> _Vertices;
//- RAY
struct Ray
float3 origin;
float3 direction;
float3 energy;
Ray CreateRay(float3 origin, float3 direction)
Ray ray;
ray.origin = origin;
ray.direction = direction;
ray.energy = float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
return ray;
Ray CreateCameraRay(float2 uv)
// Transform the camera origin to world space
float3 origin = mul(_CameraToWorld, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)).xyz;
// Invert the perspective projection of the view-space position
float3 direction = mul(_CameraInverseProjection, float4(uv, 0.0f, 1.0f)).xyz;
// Transform the direction from camera to world space and normalize
direction = mul(_CameraToWorld, float4(direction, 0.0f)).xyz;
direction = normalize(direction);
return CreateRay(origin, direction);
struct RayHit
float3 position;
float distance;
float3 normal;
float3 albedo;
float3 specular;
float smoothness;
float3 emission;
RayHit CreateRayHit()
RayHit hit;
hit.position = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
hit.distance = 1.#INF;
hit.normal = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
hit.albedo = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
hit.specular = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
hit.smoothness = 0.0f;
hit.emission = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
return hit;
struct Triangle
float3 vertexA; //12
float3 vertexB; //24
float3 vertexC; //36
float3 albedo; //48
float3 specular; //60
float smoothness; //64
float3 emission; //76
float3 GetTriangleNormal(float3 vA, float3 vB, float3 vC)
return cross(vB-vA, vC-vA);
Triangle TriangleFromGeometry(Geometry geometry)
Triangle tri;
tri.albedo = geometry.albedo;
tri.specular = geometry.specular;
tri.smoothness = geometry.smoothness;
tri.emission = geometry.emission;
tri.vertexA = _Vertices[geometry.verts[0]];
tri.vertexB = _Vertices[geometry.verts[1]];
tri.vertexC = _Vertices[geometry.verts[2]];
return tri;
void IntersectTriangle(Ray ray, inout RayHit bestHit, Triangle tri)
float epsilon = 0.0000001;
float3 pA = tri.vertexA;
float3 pB = tri.vertexB;
float3 pC = tri.vertexC;
float3 edge1 = pB - pA;
float3 edge2 = pC - pA;
float3 rayVector = ray.direction;// - ray.origin;
float3 h = cross(rayVector, edge2);
float a = dot(edge1, h);
if (a > -epsilon && a < epsilon)
float f = 1/a;
float3 s = ray.origin - pA;
float u = f * dot(s, h);
if (u < 0.0f || u> 1.0f)
float3 q = cross(s, edge1);
float v = f * dot(rayVector, q);
if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
float t = f * dot(edge2, q);
if (t > epsilon && t < bestHit.distance)
bestHit.distance = t;
bestHit.position = ray.origin + rayVector * t;
bestHit.normal = GetTriangleNormal(pA, pB, pC);
bestHit.albedo = tri.albedo;
bestHit.specular = tri.specular;
bestHit.smoothness = tri.smoothness;
bestHit.emission = tri.emission;
void IntersectGeometry(Ray ray, inout RayHit bestHit, Geometry geometry) {
if (geometry.type == 1) {
Triangle tri = TriangleFromGeometry(geometry);
IntersectTriangle(ray, bestHit,tri);
RayHit Trace(Ray ray)
RayHit bestHit = CreateRayHit();
uint numGeometries, geometryStride;
_Geometries.GetDimensions(numGeometries, geometryStride);
for (uint i = 0; i < numGeometries; i++)
IntersectGeometry(ray, bestHit, _Geometries[i]);
return bestHit;
float3x3 GetTangentSpace(float3 normal)
// Choose a helper vector for the cross product
float3 helper = float3(1, 0, 0);
if (abs(normal.x) > 0.99f)
helper = float3(0, 0, 1);
// Generate vectors
float3 tangent = normalize(cross(normal, helper));
float3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent));
return float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal);
float3 SampleHemisphere(float3 normal, float alpha)
// Sample the hemisphere, where alpha determines the kind of the sampling
float cosTheta = pow(rand(), 1.0f / (alpha + 1.0f));
float sinTheta = sqrt(1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta);
float phi = 2 * PI * rand();
float3 tangentSpaceDir = float3(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta);
// Transform direction to world space
return mul(tangentSpaceDir, GetTangentSpace(normal));
float SmoothnessToPhongAlpha(float s)
return pow(1000.0f, s * s);
float3 Shade(inout Ray ray, RayHit hit)
if (hit.distance < 1.#INF)
// Calculate chances of diffuse and specular reflection
hit.albedo = min(1.0f - hit.specular, hit.albedo);
float specChance = energy(hit.specular);
float diffChance = energy(hit.albedo);
// Roulette-select the ray's path
float roulette = rand();
if (roulette < specChance)
// Specular reflection
ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f;
float alpha = SmoothnessToPhongAlpha(hit.smoothness);
ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal), alpha);
float f = (alpha + 2) / (alpha + 1);
ray.energy *= (1.0f / specChance) * hit.specular * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction, f);
else if (diffChance > 0 && roulette < specChance + diffChance)
// Diffuse reflection
ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f;
ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(hit.normal, 1.0f);
ray.energy *= (1.0f / diffChance) * hit.albedo;
// Terminate ray
ray.energy = 0.0f;
return hit.emission;
// Erase the ray's energy - the sky doesn't reflect anything
ray.energy = 0.0f;
// Sample the skybox and write it
float theta = acos(ray.direction.y) / -PI;
float phi = atan2(ray.direction.x, -ray.direction.z) / -PI * 0.5f;
return _SkyboxTexture.SampleLevel(sampler_SkyboxTexture, float2(phi, theta), 0).xyz;
void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
_Pixel = id.xy;
// Get the dimensions of the RenderTexture
uint width, height;
Result.GetDimensions(width, height);
// Transform pixel to [-1,1] range
float2 uv = float2((id.xy + _PixelOffset) / float2(width, height) * 2.0f - 1.0f);
// Get a ray for the UVs
Ray ray = CreateCameraRay(uv);
// Trace and shade the ray
float3 result = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
RayHit hit = Trace(ray);
result += ray.energy * Shade(ray, hit);
if (!any(ray.energy))
Result[id.xy] = float4(result, 1);
и вот класс C #, который записывает информацию в шейдер:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
public class RayTracingMaster : MonoBehaviour
public ComputeShader RayTracingShader;
private RenderTexture _target;
public Texture SkyboxTexture;
private uint _currentSample = 0;
private Material _addMaterial;
private ComputeBuffer _geometryBuffer;
private ComputeBuffer _vertexBuffer;
private Camera _camera;
public Light DirectionalLight;
private RenderTexture _converged;
public int SphereSeed = 2018;
public List<Geometry> geometries = new List<Geometry>();
private List<Vector3> _vertices = new List<Vector3>();
private void Awake()
_camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
private void Update()
if (transform.hasChanged)
_currentSample = 0;
transform.hasChanged = false;
if (DirectionalLight.transform.hasChanged)
_currentSample = 0;
DirectionalLight.transform.hasChanged = false;
private void OnEnable()
_currentSample = 0;
private void OnDisable()
if (_geometryBuffer != null)
private void SetUpScene()
Profiler.BeginSample("Geometry Buffer Creation");
_geometryBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(geometries.Count, 56);
_vertexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(_vertices.Count, 12);
private void SetShaderParameters()
RayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraToWorld", _camera.cameraToWorldMatrix);
RayTracingShader.SetMatrix("_CameraInverseProjection", _camera.projectionMatrix.inverse);
RayTracingShader.SetVector("_PixelOffset", new Vector2(Random.value, Random.value));
Vector3 l = DirectionalLight.transform.forward;
RayTracingShader.SetVector("_DirectionalLight", new Vector4(l.x, l.y, l.z, DirectionalLight.intensity));
Debug.Log("Geometries: " + _geometryBuffer.count);
RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(0, "_Geometries", _geometryBuffer);
RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(0, "_Vertices", _vertexBuffer);
RayTracingShader.SetFloat("_Seed", Random.value);
RayTracingShader.SetTexture(0, "_SkyboxTexture", SkyboxTexture);
private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
private void Render(RenderTexture destination)
// Make sure we have a current render target
// Set the target and dispatch the compute shader
RayTracingShader.SetTexture(0, "Result", _target);
int threadGroupsX = Mathf.CeilToInt(Screen.width / 8.0f);
int threadGroupsY = Mathf.CeilToInt(Screen.height / 8.0f);
RayTracingShader.Dispatch(0, threadGroupsX, threadGroupsY, 1);
// Blit the result texture to the screen
if (_addMaterial == null)
_addMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/AddShader"));
_addMaterial.SetFloat("_Sample", _currentSample);
Graphics.Blit(_target, destination, _addMaterial);
private void InitRenderTexture()
if ((_target == null || _target.width != Screen.width || _target.height != Screen.height) || (_converged == null || _converged.width != Screen.width || _converged.height != Screen.height))
// Release render texture if we already have one
if (_target != null)
// Get a render target for Ray Tracing
_target = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 0,
RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
_target.enableRandomWrite = true;
if (_converged != null)
_converged = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat,RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
_converged.enableRandomWrite = true;
_currentSample = 0;
public Geometry[] ShaderGeometryFromMesh(Mesh mesh, Vector3 albedo, Vector3 specular, float smoothness, Vector3 emission, Vector3 worldScale, Quaternion worldRotation) {
Profiler.BeginSample("Shader Geometry Creation");
Geometry[] geometry = new Geometry[mesh.triangles.Length/3];
for (int i = 0; i < geometry.Length; i++)
int[] vertIndices = new int[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Vector3 vert = mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + j]];
if (!_vertices.Contains(vert))
vertIndices[j] = _vertices.IndexOf(vert);
geometry[i] = new Geometry(albedo, specular, smoothness, emission,vertIndices);
return geometry;
public struct Geometry
public uint type;
public Vector3 albedo;
public Vector3 specular;
public float smoothness;
public Vector3 emission;
public Vector3Int verts;
public Geometry( Vector3 albedo, Vector3 specular, float smoothness, Vector3 emission, int[] verts, uint type = 1) {
this.albedo = albedo;
this.specular = specular;
this.smoothness = smoothness;
this.emission = emission;
this.verts = new Vector3Int(verts[0],verts[1],verts[2]);
this.type = type;