Как я могу запустить локальный сервер (по gulp) и запустить автотест на этом сервере в pom.xml - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 сентября 2019

Я хочу запустить локальный сервер и запустить автотест по конфигурации в файле pom.xml, как показано ниже

                    <id>Run GUI</id>
                            <exec executable="cmd.exe" dir="${project.basedir}\src\main\resources">
                                <arg value="/c"/>
                                <arg value="${project.basedir}\src\main\resources\webapp\test\AutoTestWB\ui5-automation-framework\RunGUI.bat"/>
                    <id>Run AutoTestWB</id>
                            <exec executable="cmd" dir="${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/webapp/test/AutoTestWB/ui5-automation-framework/UI5Example"
                                failonerror="true" osfamily="windows">
                                <arg line="/c node ..\protractor\bin\protractor conf.js" />

Первое выполнение выполнено и сервер запущен

C:\Users\*******\Desktop\BaseWB\SampleWorkbench\SampleWorkbench\src\main\resources>gulp serve 
     [exec] [17:24:53] Using gulpfile ~\Desktop\BaseWB\SampleWorkbench\SampleWorkbench\src\main\resources\gulpfile.js
     [exec] [17:24:53] Starting 'serve'...
     [exec] [17:24:53] Finished 'serve' after 165 ms
     [exec] [17:24:53] Starting 'preload'...
     [exec] [17:24:53] Starting 'minify-css'...
     [exec] [17:24:53] Finished 'minify-css' after 28 μs
     [exec] [17:24:53] Starting 'copy-file'...
     [exec] [17:24:53] Finished 'copy-file' after 1.3 ms
     [exec] [17:24:53] Finished 'clean' after 207 ms
     [exec] [17:24:53] Finished 'sass' after 232 ms
     [exec] [Browsersync] Access URLs:
     [exec]  -------------------------------------
     [exec]        Local: http://localhost:3000
     [exec]     External:
     [exec]  -------------------------------------
     [exec]           UI: http://localhost:3001
     [exec]  UI External: http://localhost:3001
     [exec]  -------------------------------------
     [exec] [Browsersync] Serving files from: webapp
     [exec] [17:25:28] SyntaxError in plugin "gulp-uglify-es"
     [exec] Message:
     [exec]     'return' outside of function
     [exec] Details:
     [exec]     filename: test\AutoTestWB\ui5-automation-framework\node_modules\mkdirp\bin\cmd.js
     [exec]     line: 13
     [exec]     col: 4
     [exec]     pos: 313
     [exec] [17:25:28] gulp-ui5-preload number of files combined to preload file Component-preload.js:  523
     [exec] [17:25:28] Finished 'preload' after 35 s
     [exec] [17:25:28] Starting 'create-dist'...
     [exec] [17:25:28] Finished 'create-dist' after 2.3 μs

Но пока следующее выполнение ожидает первого завершения;первый не отвечает.

Итак, я попытался остановить порт первого

 [exec] [17:25:28] gulp-ui5-preload number of files combined to preload file Component-preload.js:  523
 [exec] [17:25:28] Finished 'preload' after 35 s
 [exec] [17:25:28] Starting 'create-dist'...
 [exec] [17:25:28] Finished 'create-dist' after 2.3 μs
 [exec] Result: 1
 [INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (Run AutoTestWB) @ SampleWorkbench ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

     [exec] (node:828) [DEP0022] DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead.
     [exec] [17:30:16] I/launcher - Test Coverage:false
     [exec] [17:30:16] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
     [exec] [17:30:16] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
     [exec] Started
     [exec] Jasmine started
     [exec] F
     [exec]     × Step 1: Navigate to Format Conversation tab
     [exec]       - Failed: No tab found!
     [exec] F    × Step 2: Click on Source format select box
     [exec]       - Failed: No tab found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 3: Choose Source format
     [exec]       - Failed: No tab found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 4: Enter value for Source content
     [exec]       - Failed: No view found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 5: Click on Target format select box
     [exec]       - Failed: No view found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 6: Choose Target format
     [exec]       - Failed: No view found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 7: Do Convert
     [exec]       - Failed: No tab found. The action failed!
     [exec] F    × Step 8: Result
     [exec]       - Failed: No element found!

, и будет выполнено следующее выполнение, но оно не будет выполнено, потому что это автоматическое тестирование, для которого сначала требуется серверисполнение, начинается.

Пожалуйста, помогите мне!Спасибо

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