С полной периодичностью я бы сделал что-то вроде этого:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def data_func( x, x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2):
fit function that uses modulus to get periodicity
two linear functions are combines piecewise by boxing them
using the heaviside function with the periodic input
over all slope is added.
Note that the "decay" part maybe positive with this solution.
P1 = abs(p1)
P2 = abs(p2)
X = x - x0
P= P1 + P2
mod = X % P
y0 = a * P1
beta = y0 * P / P2
slope = y0 / P2
box1 = np.heaviside( +np.abs( ( X - P1 / 2. ) % P - 0.5 * P ) - 0.5 * P2, .5 )
box2 = np.heaviside( -np.abs( ( X - P1 / 2. ) % P - 0.5 * P ) + 0.5 * P2, .5 )
out = a * mod * box1
out += (beta - slope * mod )* box2
out += off + bc * X
return out
def residuals( params, xl ,yl ):
x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2 = params
diff = np.fromiter( ( y - data_func( x, x0, a, bc, off, p1, p2 ) for x, y in zip( xl, yl ) ), np.float )
return diff
theOff = 0.7
theP1= 1.8869
theP2 = 5.21163
theP = theP1 + theP2
xdata = np.linspace(-1, 26, 51 )
xdata = np.fromiter( ( x for x in xdata if (x-theOff)%theP <= theP1 ),np.float )
ydata = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, theOff, .6, .1, 17, theP1, theP2) for x in xdata ),np.float )
tl = np.linspace(-1, 26, 150 )
yl = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, theOff, .6, .1, 17, theP1, theP2) for x in tl ),np.float )
guess= [0, 0.55, .1, 16 , 2, 5 ]
sol, err = leastsq( residuals, guess, args = ( xdata, ydata ) )
print sol
### getting the real slopes out of the data
s1 = sol[1]+ sol[2]
s2 = - sol[1] * sol[4] / sol[5] + sol[2]
print "real slope1 = {}".format( s1 )
print "real slope2 = {}".format( s2 )
fit = np.fromiter( ( data_func( x, *sol ) for x in tl ),np.float )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
### original data
ax.plot( tl, yl, ls='--')
ax.plot( xdata, ydata, ls='', marker='+')
### fit
ax.plot( tl, fit )
### check the slopes
short = np.linspace(0, 3, 3)
ax.plot( short, [ 17 + s1 * s for s in short ] )
short = np.linspace(3, 10, 3)
ax.plot( short, [ 18 + s2 * s for s in short ] )
, что дает:
>> [ 0.39352332 0.59149625 0.10850375 16.78546632 1.85009228 5.35049099]
>> real slope1 = 0.7
>> real slope2 = -0.0960237685357
![periodic linear](https://i.stack.imgur.com/nM5OG.png)
Естественно, недостаток информации в промежутках приводит к довольно плохому соответствию склона. Как следствие, в периодичности возникает соответствующая ошибка. Если бы это было известно, точность, конечно, повысилась бы.
Вам нужно разумное и правильное предположение для начальных параметров!