Создание al oop для повторения фрагмента кода и последующей печати нескольких строк в текстовом файле. - PullRequest
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/ 27 апреля 2020

Итак, приведенный ниже код - это код, который я использую в курсе. Код запрашивает у пользователя ввести вопрос типа «истина» или «ложь» (TF) или вопрос с множественным выбором (M C), за которым следует значение вопроса. Затем код выводит вопрос и ответ в текстовом файле. Пока код работает. Он запрашивает только один вопрос, мой первый выпуск, а также нужно распечатать эти вопросы в текстовом файле, второй выпуск.

Я также сдал задание, нам не обязательно нужно было изменять код, но я хочу понять, как решить проблему. Моей первой мыслью было посмотреть на функции int loadArray и addQuestion и, возможно, настроить их, но я не уверен. Извиняюсь за любые ошибки форматирования, я сделал все возможное, чтобы сделать его удобным для браузера.

Думать как программист не мой сильный костюм - лицо ладони-

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

class Question // super class



    string getQuestion()//gets the question


        return question;


    virtual int getValue() //gets the point value of the question


    return value;


    virtual string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question


        return questiontype;


    virtual void setQuestion(string answer, int value)



    virtual void setNewQuestion(string answer, int value)



    virtual void printOptions()



    virtual string getAnswer()


        return answer;



    string question,  answer;

    int value;

    string questiontype;


//The class for True/False Questions

class QuestionTF: public Question



    void setQuestion(string theQuestion, int pointValue)


        string theAnswer;

        questiontype = "TF";

        question = theQuestion;

        value = pointValue;

        options = "true or false";

        //get the answer from the file


        answer = theAnswer;


    void setNewQuestion(string theQuestion, int pointValue)

        string theAnswer;

        questiontype = "TF";

        question = theQuestion;

        value = pointValue;

        options = "true or false";

        //get the answer from user

        cout<<"Enter answer true or false\n";


        answer = theAnswer;

    int getValue() //gets the point value of the question


        return value;


    string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question


        return questiontype;


    void printOptions()//prints the options for that question





    string getAnswer()//outputs the answer for that question


        return answer;



    string question, questiontype;

    string answer;

    string options;

    int value;


//The class for Multiple Choice Questions

class QuestionMC: public Question  


    void setQuestion(string theQuestion, int pointValue)


        string line;

        questiontype = "MC";

        //get the number of choices from the file


        numberOfOptions = atoi(line.c_str());

        question = theQuestion;

        value = pointValue;

        //get the individual choice lines and load to options array

        for (int count = 0; count<numberOfOptions;count++){


            options[count] = line;


        //get the answer from the file and load into answer

        getline(cin, line);

        answer = line;


    void setNewQuestion(string theQuestion, int pointValue)


        string line;

        questiontype = "MC";

        //get the number of choices from the user

        cout<<"Enter the number of choices:  ";


        numberOfOptions = atoi(line.c_str());

        question = theQuestion;

        value = pointValue;

        //get the individual choice lines and load to options array

        for (int count = 0; count<numberOfOptions;count++){

            cout<<"\nEnter option:  " << count + 1 << endl;


            options[count] = line;


        //get the answer from the user and load into answer

        cout<<"\nEnter Answer:  ";

        getline(cin, line);

        answer = line;


    void printOptions()// prints the questions, options, and answer


        char first = 'A';


        for(int count = 0; count<numberOfOptions;count++){

            cout<<first++ <<".  "<<options[count]<<"\n";

        cout<< answer << "\n";

    int getValue() //gets the point value of the question

        return value;


    string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question


        return questiontype;


    string getAnswer()// prints the answer


        return answer;



    int numberOfOptions;

    string question, answer;

    string options[6];

    string questiontype;

    int value;


//  Function prototypes for the functions supporting the main program functionality

int  loadArray(Question *myQuestions[]);

int addQuestion(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions);

void printQuizQuestions(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions);

void writeExamQuestionFile(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions);

int main() {

    Question *myQuestions[10];

    int numquestions;

//opening the testbank file and processing as a question of each type

try {

ifstream infile("testbank2.txt");

streambuf *cinbuf = cin.rdbuf();  //save old buf

cin.rdbuf(infile.rdbuf());       //redirect std::cin to infile.txt!

string line, theQuestion, theAnswer;

numquestions = loadArray(myQuestions);

cin.rdbuf(cinbuf);   //reset to standard input again


catch (exception& e) {

cout << "Hey man, you tried to get away with dividing by zero on line 204, so I jumped to the catch part with the exceptions!!!";

cout <<  "Whoa buddy!!!  Everything stops here!!!  Something went wrong with reading the infile like: " << e.what() << ".  Check the contents of testbank2.txt";


numquestions = addQuestion(myQuestions, numquestions);

printQuizQuestions(myQuestions,  numquestions);

cout<<"Write to exam File";

try {

      // code here

ofstream outfile("examoutputfile.txt");

streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); //save old buf

cout.rdbuf(outfile.rdbuf());     //redirect std::cout to out.txt!

writeExamQuestionFile(myQuestions, numquestions);


//reset to standard output again

cout<<"Exam File Written.\n"<<"\n";


catch (exception& e) {

  cout << "Exception occurred";



return 0;


// Function to load the array of Questions from the input file

int loadArray(Question *myQuestions[])


string line;

string questiontype, theQuestion;

int numquestions, questionvalue;

//get the number of questions from the first line in the file


    numquestions = atoi(line.c_str());

    for(int count = 0; count<numquestions;count++){


        int npos = line.size();

        int prev_pos = 0;

        int pos = 0;

        while( line[pos]!=' ')


      questiontype = line.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos);

       prev_pos = ++pos;

     questionvalue = atoi(line.substr(prev_pos, npos-prev_pos).c_str()); 

       //process a true/false question

        if (questiontype == "TF")


            myQuestions[count] = new QuestionTF;




        //process a multiple choice 

        if (questiontype =="MC")


            myQuestions[count] =new QuestionMC;





    return numquestions;


int addQuestion(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions)


 cout<<" Welcome to A+ Exam Builder" << endl;

 cout<< "=======================" << endl;
 cout<< "=======================" << endl;

        int questionvalue;

        int count=numquestions;

        string theQuestion,line, questiontype;

        cout<<"Enter the Question type: 'TF' for true or flase, 'MC' for multiple choice and then value (1-100)\n";


        int npos = line.size();

        int prev_pos = 0;

        int pos = 0;

        while( line[pos]!=' ')


        questiontype = line.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos);

        prev_pos = ++pos;

        questionvalue = atoi(line.substr(prev_pos, npos-prev_pos).c_str()); 

        if (questiontype == "TF")


            myQuestions[count] = new QuestionTF;

            cout<<" \nEnter the Question: ";




        if (questiontype =="MC")


            myQuestions[count] =new QuestionMC;

            cout<<" \nEnter the Question: ";




        return ++numquestions;


void printQuizQuestions(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions)

    for(int count = 0; count<numquestions;count++)






void writeExamQuestionFile(Question *myQuestions[], int numquestions)


int count;

string qtype;


for (count=0;count<numquestions;count++){


    cout<<qtype<<" "<<myQuestions[count]->getValue()<<"\n";




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