В пакете WGCNA значение R ^ 2 (STF. R.sq) без масштабной топологии должно быть равно 0,8 или выше. Я получаю свой STF. Значение R.sq как 0,4 и ниже. Мой набор данных содержит 34 строки и 1500 столбцов.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
Alzheimer.1500_series_matrix <- read.csv("C:/Users/Alzheimer.1500_series_matrix.csv", header=FALSE, row.names=1)
# Softthreshold power for noise filtering
# Choosing the soft-thresholding power co-expression similarity is raised to calculate adjacency
# By choosing a set of soft-thresholding powers
powers = c(c(1:22), seq(from = 24, to=34, by=2))
# pickSoftThreshold performs the analysis of network topology and aids the user in choosing a proper
soft-thresholding power
# To decide scale free topology
# SFT.R sq value should be above 0.8 for reasonable powers & mean connectivity below 100
sft = pickSoftThreshold(Alzheimer.1500_series_matrix, powerVector = powers, verbose = 5)
# Choose the power 6, which is the lowest power for which the scale-free topology index reaches 0.90 as of in tutorial.
# I am calculating the co expression similarity (adjacencies), using the soft thresholding power 6:
softPower = 6;
adjacency = adjacency(Alzheimer.1500_series_matrix, power = softPower);
# Turn adjacency into topological overlap
TOM = TOMsimilarity(adjacency); dissTOM = 1-TOM
# Set the minimum module size relatively high:
minModuleSize = 30;
# Results of all the modules
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