'Просто пытаюсь найти способ очистить код, чтобы мне не нужно было нажимать es c eveytime.
Sub Email_From_Excel_Basic()
Dim emailApplication As Object
Dim emailItem As Object
Dim mymsg As String
Dim cell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set emailApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo cleanup
For Each cell In Worksheets("owssvr").Columns("S").Cells
Set emailItem = emailApplication.CreateItem(0)
' Они говорят об ошибке находится в этих двух строках ниже. (IF и Cells)
If cell.Value Like "?*@?*.?*" And _
Cells(cell.Row, "T") = "Yes" Then
'Следующая часть ниже должна быть в порядке.
With emailItem
.To = Cells(cell.Row, "R").Value & ";" & Cells(cell.Row, "S").Value
.CC = Cells(cell.Row, "S").Value & ";" & Cells(cell.Row, "S").Value & ";" & Cells(cell.Row, "S").Value
.Subject = "Status update on your recent order"
mymsg = "Dear " & Cells(cell.Row, "A").Value & " team," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Dim stts As String
If Cells(cell.Row, 4).Value = "1. New Order" Then
stts = "Your order has been received and will be processed."
ElseIf Cells(cell.Row, 4).Value = "2. Shipped" Then
stts = "Your order has been shipped"
ElseIf Cells(cell.Row, 4).Value = "3. In-Process" Then
stts = "Your order has been received. We are waiting on information to confirm your order."
ElseIf Cells(cell.Row, 4).Value = "5. Approved" Then
stts = "Your order is approved to ship."
End If
mymsg = mymsg & "Status: " & stts & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "Expected delivery: " & Cells(cell.Row, "AF").Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "Project contact: " & Cells(cell.Row, "Z").Value & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "Email: " & Cells(cell.Row, "AA").Value & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "Phone: " & Cells(cell.Row, "AB").Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "*This is only an estimate. Please reach out to your project contact for further information." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
mymsg = mymsg & "Best regards" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
.Body = mymsg
' Может ли проблема быть в очистке?
End With
Set emailItem = Nothing
End If
Next cell
Set emailApplication = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub