Я хочу перевести код C в код ros на C ++. Это то, что у меня ниже, - это код C ++ ROS. Я хочу, чтобы камера распознавала объекты на веботах с помощью ros. Поскольку у веботов есть образцы документации, сделанные на C, мне нужна помощь в переводе этого кода на ROS cpp
void CameraCallback(const webots_ros::RecognitionObject::ConstPtr &image) {
int i;
int j;
int number_of_objects;
const *objects;
// int number_of_objects = getRecognitionNumberOfObjects() const;(camera);
//ROS_INFO("\nRecognized %d objects.\n", number_of_objects);
ROS_INFO("\nRecognized %d objects.\n", number_of_objects);
/* Get and display all the objects information */
const RecognitionObject *objects = wb_camera_recognition_get_objects(camera);
for (i = 0; i < number_of_objects; ++i) {
ROS_INFO("Model of object %d: %s\n", i, objects[i].model);
ROS_INFO("Id of object %d: %d\n", i, objects[i].id);
ROS_INFO("Relative position of object %d: %lf %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].position[0], objects[i].position[1],
ROS_INFO("Relative orientation of object %d: %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].orientation[0], objects[i].orientation[1],
objects[i].orientation[2], objects[i].orientation[3]);
ROS_INFO("Size of object %d: %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].size[0], objects[i].size[1]);
ROS_INFO("Position of the object %d on the camera image: %d %d\n", i, objects[i].position_on_image[0],
ROS_INFO("Size of the object %d on the camera image: %d %d\n", i, objects[i].size_on_image[0], objects[i].size_on_image[1]);
for (j = 0; j < objects[i].number_of_colors; ++j)
ROS_INFO("- Color %d/%d: %lf %lf %lf\n", j + 1, objects[i].number_of_colors, objects[i].colors[3 * j],
objects[i].colors[3 * j + 1], objects[i].colors[3 * j + 2]);
Вот исходный код C. Я пытаюсь интегрировать это в webots.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <webots/camera.h>
#include <webots/camera_recognition_object.h>
#include <webots/motor.h>
#include <webots/robot.h>
#define SPEED 1.5
#define TIME_STEP 64
int main() {
WbDeviceTag camera, left_motor, right_motor;
int i, j;
/* Get the camera device, enable it and the recognition */
camera = wb_robot_get_device("camera");
wb_camera_enable(camera, TIME_STEP);
wb_camera_recognition_enable(camera, TIME_STEP);
/* get a handler to the motors and set target position to infinity (speed control). */
left_motor = wb_robot_get_device("left wheel motor");
right_motor = wb_robot_get_device("right wheel motor");
wb_motor_set_position(left_motor, INFINITY);
wb_motor_set_position(right_motor, INFINITY);
wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, 0.0);
wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, 0.0);
/* Set the motors speed */
wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, -SPEED);
wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, SPEED);
/* Main loop */
while (wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP) != -1) {
/* Get current number of object recognized */
int number_of_objects = wb_camera_recognition_get_number_of_objects(camera);
printf("\nRecognized %d objects.\n", number_of_objects);
/* Get and display all the objects information */
const WbCameraRecognitionObject *objects = wb_camera_recognition_get_objects(camera);
for (i = 0; i < number_of_objects; ++i) {
printf("Model of object %d: %s\n", i, objects[i].model);
printf("Id of object %d: %d\n", i, objects[i].id);
printf("Relative position of object %d: %lf %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].position[0], objects[i].position[1],
printf("Relative orientation of object %d: %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].orientation[0], objects[i].orientation[1],
objects[i].orientation[2], objects[i].orientation[3]);
printf("Size of object %d: %lf %lf\n", i, objects[i].size[0], objects[i].size[1]);
printf("Position of the object %d on the camera image: %d %d\n", i, objects[i].position_on_image[0],
printf("Size of the object %d on the camera image: %d %d\n", i, objects[i].size_on_image[0], objects[i].size_on_image[1]);
for (j = 0; j < objects[i].number_of_colors; ++j)
printf("- Color %d/%d: %lf %lf %lf\n", j + 1, objects[i].number_of_colors, objects[i].colors[3 * j],
objects[i].colors[3 * j + 1], objects[i].colors[3 * j + 2]);
Мне нужна только часть объекта распознавания камеры ... Поскольку на данный момент я не понимаю, как сделать понятным для ros c ++