воздушный поток не забирает дэги от кубернетов постоянного объема - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 19 июня 2020

Я пытаюсь следовать этому руководству, но последняя часть у меня не работает. На воздушном потоке не отображаются метки.

Проверяю логи стручков. scheduler и worker соответственно:


*** executing Airflow initdb...
DB: postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:***@airflow-postgresql:5432/airflow
[2020-06-17 18:33:57,698] {db.py:378} INFO - Creating tables
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
*** adding Airflow variables...
0 of 0 variables successfully updated.
*** adding Airflow pools...
0 of 0 pool(s) successfully updated.

│ Pool   │ Slots   │ Description   │
*** running scheduler...
  ____________       _____________
 ____    |__( )_________  __/__  /________      __
____  /| |_  /__  ___/_  /_ __  /_  __ \_ | /| / /
___  ___ |  / _  /   _  __/ _  / / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /
 _/_/  |_/_/  /_/    /_/    /_/  \____/____/|__/
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,477] {__init__.py:51} INFO - Using executor CeleryExecutor
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,485] {scheduler_job.py:1346} INFO - Starting the scheduler
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,485] {scheduler_job.py:1354} INFO - Running execute loop for -1 seconds
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,486] {scheduler_job.py:1355} INFO - Processing each file at most -1 times
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,486] {scheduler_job.py:1358} INFO - Searching for files in /opt/airflow/dags
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,486] {scheduler_job.py:1360} INFO - There are 0 files in /opt/airflow/dags
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,487] {scheduler_job.py:1411} INFO - Resetting orphaned tasks for active dag runs
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,503] {dag_processing.py:556} INFO - Launched DagFileProcessorManager with pid: 44
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,506] {settings.py:54} INFO - Configured default timezone <Timezone [UTC]>


*** running scheduler...
[2020-06-17 18:34:05,202] {cli_action_loggers.py:107} WARNING - Failed to log action with (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not translate host name "airflow-postgresql" to address: Name or service not known

(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/e3q8)
[2020-06-17 18:34:07,170: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://:**@airflow-redis-master:6379/1
[2020-06-17 18:34:07,218: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2020-06-17 18:34:08,344: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
[2020-06-17 18:34:08,385: INFO/MainProcess] celery@airflow-worker-0 ready.
Starting flask
 * Serving Flask app "airflow.bin.cli" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
[2020-06-17 18:34:09,179] {_internal.py:122} INFO -  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[2020-06-17 18:34:12,779: INFO/MainProcess] Events of group {task} enabled by remote.

Я новичок в воздушный поток и Kubernetes. Что здесь не так. почему не ковыряет громкость и дэги?
