Я использую этот метод, но получаю сообщение об ошибке, необходимое для версии (PaperSpigot 1.15.2):
public MinecraftPingReply getPing(final MinecraftPingOptions options) throws IOException {
MinecraftPingUtil.validate(options.getHostname(), "Hostname cannot be null.");
MinecraftPingUtil.validate(options.getPort(), "Port cannot be null.");
final Socket socket = new Socket();
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(options.getHostname(), options.getPort()), options.getTimeout());
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
final DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
//> Handshake
ByteArrayOutputStream handshake_bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream handshake = new DataOutputStream(handshake_bytes);
MinecraftPingUtil.writeVarInt(handshake, MinecraftPingUtil.PROTOCOL_VERSION);
MinecraftPingUtil.writeVarInt(handshake, options.getHostname().length());
MinecraftPingUtil.writeVarInt(handshake, MinecraftPingUtil.STATUS_HANDSHAKE);
MinecraftPingUtil.writeVarInt(out, handshake_bytes.size());
//> Status request
out.writeByte(0x01); // Size of packet
//< Status response
MinecraftPingUtil.readVarInt(in); // Size
int id = MinecraftPingUtil.readVarInt(in);
MinecraftPingUtil.io(id == -1, "Server prematurely ended stream.");
MinecraftPingUtil.io(id != MinecraftPingUtil.PACKET_STATUSREQUEST, "Server returned invalid packet.");
int length = MinecraftPingUtil.readVarInt(in);
MinecraftPingUtil.io(length == -1, "Server prematurely ended stream.");
MinecraftPingUtil.io(length == 0, "Server returned unexpected value.");
byte[] data = new byte[length];
String json = new String(data, options.getCharset());
//> Ping
out.writeByte(0x09); // Size of packet
//< Ping
MinecraftPingUtil.readVarInt(in); // Size
id = MinecraftPingUtil.readVarInt(in);
MinecraftPingUtil.io(id == -1, "Server prematurely ended stream.");
MinecraftPingUtil.io(id != MinecraftPingUtil.PACKET_PING, "Server returned invalid packet.");
// Close
return new Gson().fromJson(json, MinecraftPingReply.class);
public class MinecraftPingUtil {
public static byte PACKET_HANDSHAKE = 0x00, PACKET_STATUSREQUEST = 0x00,
public static int PROTOCOL_VERSION = 4;
public static int STATUS_HANDSHAKE = 1;
public static void validate(final Object o, final String m) {
if (o == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(m);
public static void io(final boolean b, final String m) throws IOException {
if (b) {
throw new IOException(m);
* @author thinkofdeath
* See: https://gist.github.com/thinkofdeath/e975ddee04e9c87faf22
public static int readVarInt(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (true) {
int k = in.readByte();
i |= (k & 0x7F) << j++ * 7;
if (j > 5)
throw new RuntimeException("VarInt too big");
if ((k & 0x80) != 128)
return i;
* @author thinkofdeath
* See: https://gist.github.com/thinkofdeath/e975ddee04e9c87faf22
* @throws IOException
public static void writeVarInt(DataOutputStream out, int paramInt) throws IOException {
while (true) {
if ((paramInt & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0) {
out.writeByte(paramInt & 0x7F | 0x80);
paramInt >>>= 7;
Подробнее: https://github.com/oliverdunk/MinecraftServerPing/tree/master/src/ch/jamiete/mcping
(для плагина Minecraft) Эта версия работает с 1.8, но не в той версии, которая мне нужна: 1.15.2 Как я могу ее решить?
Причина: java. lang.IllegalStateException: ожидалась строка, но она была BEGIN_OBJECT в строке 1 столбца 17 путь $ .description в com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.nextString (JsonReader. java: 825) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] в com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters $ 16.read (TypeAdapters. java: 418) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] в com.google .gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters $ 16.read (TypeAdapters. java: 406) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] в com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory $ 1. прочтите (ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory. java: 129) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] в com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory $ Adapter.read (Reflect iveTypeAdapterFactory. java: 220) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] в com.google.gson.Gson.from Json (Gson. java: 887) ~ [patched_1. 15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] на com.google.gson.Gson.from Json (Gson. java: 852) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] на com.google.gson.Gson.from Json (Gson. java: 801) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] на com.google.gson.Gson.from Json (Gson. java: 773) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318] на it.justdevs.bw.lobby.utils.ping.MinecraftPing.getPing (MinecraftPing. java: 121 ) ~ [?:?] в it.justdevs.bw.lobby.utils.StatusItemStack.getItemStack (StatusItemStack. java: 51) ~ [?:?] в it.justdevs.bw.lobby.guis.Inventory.init (Инвентарь. java: 38) ~ [?:?] В it.justdevs. gui .utils.SmartInventory.open (SmartInventory. java: 54) ~ [?:?] В it.justdevs. gui .utils.SmartInventory.open (SmartInventory. java: 37) ~ [?:?] В it.justdevs.bw.lobby.commands.MainCommand.onCommand (MainCommand. java: 26) ~ [?: ?] на org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute (PluginCommand. * 10 45 *: 45) ~ [patched_1.15.2.jar: git -Paper-318]