Привет, у меня есть мой код здесь в jquery для моей панели чата нижнего колонтитула, и это противоречит Scriptaculous. Я хочу, чтобы он конвертировался в чистый js или используя Prototype Scriptaculous.
Любая помощь?
$ (документ) .ready (функция () {
$.fn.adjustPanel = function(){
$(this).find("ul, .subpanel").css({ 'height' : 'auto'});
var windowHeight = $(window).height(); //Get the height of the browser viewport
var panelsub = $(this).find(".subpanel").height(); //Get the height of subpanel
var panelAdjust = windowHeight - 100; //Viewport height - 100px (Sets max height of subpanel)
var ulAdjust = panelAdjust - 25; //Calculate ul size after adjusting sub-panel (27px is the height of the base panel)
if ( panelsub >= panelAdjust ) { //If subpanel is taller than max height...
$(this).find(".subpanel").css({ 'height' : panelAdjust }); //Adjust subpanel to max height
$(this).find("ul").css({ 'height' : ulAdjust}); //Adjust subpanel ul to new size
else if ( panelsub < panelAdjust ) { //If subpanel is smaller than max height...
$(this).find("ul").css({ 'height' : 'auto'}); //Set subpanel ul to auto (default size)
//Execute function on load
$("#chatpanel").adjustPanel(); //Run the adjustPanel function on #chatpanel
$("#alertpanel").adjustPanel(); //Run the adjustPanel function on #alertpanel
//Each time the viewport is adjusted/resized, execute the function
$(window).resize(function () {
//Click event on Chat Panel + Alert Panel
$("#chatpanel a:first, #alertpanel a:first,#alertpanel2 a:first,#likes a:first,#twiter a:first").click(function() { //If clicked on the first link of #chatpanel and #alertpanel...
if($(this).next(".subpanel").is(':visible')){ //If subpanel is already active...
$(this).next(".subpanel").hide(); //Hide active subpanel
$("#footpanel li a").removeClass('active'); //Remove active class on the subpanel trigger
else { //if subpanel is not active...
$(".subpanel").hide(); //Hide all subpanels
$(this).next(".subpanel").toggle(); //Toggle the subpanel to make active
$("#footpanel li a").removeClass('active'); //Remove active class on all subpanel trigger
$(this).toggleClass('active'); //Toggle the active class on the subpanel trigger
return false; //Prevent browser jump to link anchor
//Click event outside of subpanel
$(document).click(function() { //Click anywhere and...
$(".subpanel").hide(); //hide subpanel
$("#footpanel li a").removeClass('active'); //remove active class on subpanel trigger
$('.subpanel ul').click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); //Prevents the subpanel ul from closing on click