В 2010 году @ChristianWimmer подверг критике мой стиль кодирования.Теперь, спустя два года, я должен снова использовать эту функцию в своей программе.Итак, я решил улучшить стиль кодирования функции.
Для вашего удобства я выбрал небольшую часть своей личной библиотеки.Чтобы проверить, является ли учетная запись пользователя маркера доступа членом локальной группы администраторов, передайте WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid
из JwaWinNT
в eWellKnownSidType .Обратите внимание, что для этого требуется JEDI API Libray , поскольку модуль Delphi Windows.pas
не определил CreateWellKnownSid()
// Purpose: Tests whether user account of the access token is a member of the
// specified well known group, and report its elevation type.
// Parameter:
// hToken [in,opt]
// A handle to an access token having TOKEN_QUERY and TOKEN_DUPLICATE
// access. If hToken is 0: if it is an impersonation token, the access token
// of the calling thread is used; otherwise, the access token associated
// with the process is used.
// eWellKnownSidType [in]
// Member of the WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration that specifies what Sid the
// function will identify.
// pDomainSid [in,opt]
// A pointer to a SID that identifies the domain to use when identifying the
// Sid. Pass nil to use the local computer.
// peElevType [out,opt]
// A pointer to a variable that receives the following elevation type of the
// access token:
// - TokenElevationTypeDefault: The access token does not have a linked
// token. This value is reported under Windows prior to Windows Vista.
// - TokenElevationTypeFull: The access token is an elevated token.
// - TokenElevationTypeLimited: The access token is a limited token.
// Return value:
// - True if user account of the access token is a member of the well known
// group specified in eWellKnownSidType parameter.
// - False, otherwise. To get error information, call GetLastError().
// Remarks:
// To test whether user account of the access token is a member of local
// administrators group, pass JwaWinNT.WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid to
// eWellKnownSidType parameter.
// References:
// - How To Determine Whether a Thread Is Running in User Context of
// Local Administrator Account [MSDN]
function Inu_IsMemberOfWellKnownGroup(const hToken: Windows.THandle;
const eWellKnownSidType: JwaWinNT.WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE;
const pDomainSid: JwaWinNT.PSID=nil;
peElevType: PTokenElevationType=nil): Boolean;
hAccessToken: Windows.THandle;
eTET: Windows.TTokenElevationType;
iReturnLen: Windows.DWORD;
hTokenToCheck: Windows.THandle;
iSidLen: Windows.DWORD;
pGroupSid: JwaWinNT.PSID;
bMemberOfWellKnownGroup: Windows.BOOL;
Result := False;
hAccessToken := 0;
hTokenToCheck := 0;
pGroupSid := nil;
if hToken = 0 then begin // If the caller doesn't supply a token handle,
// Get the calling thread's access token
if not Windows.OpenThreadToken(Windows.GetCurrentThread(),
True, hAccessToken) then begin
if Windows.GetLastError() <> Windows.ERROR_NO_TOKEN then
// If no thread token exists, retry against process token
if not Windows.OpenProcessToken(Windows.GetCurrentProcess(),
Windows.TOKEN_QUERY or Windows.TOKEN_DUPLICATE, hAccessToken) then
else // If the caller supplies a token handle,
hAccessToken := hToken;
// Determine whether the system is running Windows Vista or later because
// because they support linked tokens, previous versions don't.
rOSVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(Windows.OSVERSIONINFO);
if not Windows.GetVersionEx(rOSVerInfo) then
if rOSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6 then begin
// Retrieve information about the elevation level of the access token
if not Windows.GetTokenInformation(hAccessToken,
Windows.TokenElevationType, @eTET,
SizeOf(Windows.TTokenElevationType), iReturnLen) then
// If the access token is a limited token, retrieve the linked token
// information from the access token.
if eTET = Windows.TokenElevationTypeLimited then begin
if not Windows.GetTokenInformation(hAccessToken,
Windows.TokenLinkedToken, @hTokenToCheck,
SizeOf(Windows.TTokenLinkedToken), iReturnLen) then
// Report the elevation type if it is wanted
if Assigned(peElevType) then
peElevType^ := eTET;
else begin // if rOSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion < 6
// There is no concept of elevation prior to Windows Vista
if Assigned(peElevType) then
peElevType^ := Windows.TokenElevationTypeDefault;
// CheckTokenMembership() requires an impersonation token. If we just got a
// linked token, it is already an impersonation token. Otherwise, duplicate
// the original as an impersonation token for CheckTokenMembership().
if (hTokenToCheck = 0) and (not Windows.DuplicateToken(hAccessToken,
Windows.SecurityIdentification, @hTokenToCheck)) then
// Allocate enough memory for the longest possible Sid
pGroupSid := JwaWinNT.PSid(Windows.LocalAlloc(Windows.LMEM_FIXED, iSidLen));
if not Assigned(pGroupSid) then
// Create a Sid for the predefined alias as specified in eWellKnownSidType
if not JwaWinBase.CreateWellKnownSid(eWellKnownSidType, pDomainSid,
pGroupSid, iSidLen) then
// Now, check presence of the created Sid in the user and group Sids of the
// access token. In other words, it determines whether the user is a member
// of the well known group specified in eWellKnownSidType parameter.
if not JwaWinBase.CheckTokenMembership(hTokenToCheck, pGroupSid,
bMemberOfWellKnownGroup) then
Result := bMemberOfWellKnownGroup;
// Close the access token handle
if hAccessToken <> 0 then
// Close the new duplicate token handle if exists
if (hTokenToCheck <> 0) then
// Free the allocated memory for the Sid created by CreateWellKnownSid()
if Assigned(pGroupSid) then
end; // endfunction Inu_IsMemberOfWellKnownGroup