struct point
float x
float y
float z
struct ray
point R1
point R2
struct polygon
point P[]
int count
float dotProduct(point A, point B)
return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y + A.z*B.z
point crossProduct(point A, point B)
return point(A.y*B.z-A.z*B.y, A.z*B.x-A.x*B.z, A.x*B.y-A.y*B.x)
point vectorSub(point A, point B)
return point(A.x-B.x, A.y-B.y, A.z-B.z)
point scalarMult(float a, Point B)
return point(a*B.x, a*B.y, a*B.z)
bool findIntersection(ray Ray, polygon Poly, point& Answer)
point plane_normal = crossProduct(vectorSub(Poly.P[1], Poly.P[0]), vectorSub(Poly.P[2], Poly.P[0]))
float denominator = dotProduct(vectorSub(Ray.R2, Poly.P[0]), plane_normal)
if (denominator == 0) { return FALSE } // ray is parallel to the polygon
float ray_scalar = dotProduct(vectorSub(Poly.P[0], Ray.R1), plane_normal)
Answer = vectorAdd(Ray.R1, scalarMult(ray_scalar, Ray.R2))
// verify that the point falls inside the polygon
point test_line = vectorSub(Answer, Poly.P[0])
point test_axis = crossProduct(plane_normal, test_line)
bool point_is_inside = FALSE
point test_point = vectorSub(Poly.P[1], Answer)
bool prev_point_ahead = (dotProduct(test_line, test_point) > 0)
bool prev_point_above = (dotProduct(test_axis, test_point) > 0)
bool this_point_ahead
bool this_point_above
int index = 2;
while (index < Poly.count)
test_point = vectorSub(Poly.P[index], Answer)
this_point_ahead = (dotProduct(test_line, test_point) > 0)
if (prev_point_ahead OR this_point_ahead)
this_point_above = (dotProduct(test_axis, test_point) > 0)
if (prev_point_above XOR this_point_above)
point_is_inside = !point_is_inside
prev_point_ahead = this_point_ahead
prev_point_above = this_point_above
return point_is_inside