Я только что обновил свой проект MVC2 для запуска MVC3 (RC).Все работает, как и ожидалось, за исключением одной проблемы.
Я запускаю DotNetOpenAuth, но когда я иду на аутентификацию, моя страница отображает строку
вместо аутентификации (которая работала в приложении MVC2)
Я нашел этот вопрос в другом месте на SO , и я сделал то, что было предложено, но безрезультатно.
Вот клип моего Web.Config
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc"
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
Что еще может быть причиной этой проблемы?
Если это поможет, вот код контроллера, который работал дов MVC3
''# <ValidateInput(False)> _ ''# this code is commented out so that it displays properly on StackOverflow - It's not really commented out in the project.
Public Function Authenticate(ByVal go As String) As ActionResult
Dim response As IAuthenticationResponse = openid.GetResponse()
If response Is Nothing Then
''# Stage 2: user submitting Identifier
Dim id As Identifier
If Identifier.TryParse(Request.Form("openid_identifier"), id) Then
Return openid.CreateRequest(Request.Form("openid_identifier")).RedirectingResponse.AsActionResult()
Catch ex As ProtocolException
ViewData("Message") = "Woops! " & ex.Message
Return View("Login")
End Try
ViewData("Message") = "Woops! Invalid identifier"
Return View("Login")
End If
''# Stage 3: OpenID Provider sending assertion response
Select Case response.Status
Case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated
If Not OpenIDService.IsOpenIdAssociated(response.ClaimedIdentifier) Then
''# All of this happens if the user logging in does
''# not currently have an account associated with
''# their OpenId. We probably want to handle this a
''# little differently by sending them to a view that
''# allows them to confirm account creation or try
''# again.
''# TODO: Create an Authenticate View and a CreateUser ActionResult (without a View)
UserService.AddUser(response.ClaimedIdentifier, response.FriendlyIdentifierForDisplay)
ActivityLogService.AddActivity(OpenIDService.GetOpenId(response.ClaimedIdentifier).UserID, _
ActivityLog.LogType.UserAdded, _
ActivityLogService.AddActivity(OpenIDService.GetOpenId(response.ClaimedIdentifier).UserID, _
ActivityLog.LogType.UserLogin, _
End If
''# Again, we want to make sure to associate the users
''# actions with an entry in the ActivityLog for further
''# use with Badges
''# Create the authentication cookie. This cookie
''# includes the AuthUserData information in the
''# userData field of the FormsAuthentication Cookie.
Dim authUser As Authentication.AuthUserData = New Authentication.AuthUserData(OpenIDService.GetOpenId(response.ClaimedIdentifier).User)
HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(Authentication.CustomAuthentication.CreateAuthCookie(response.ClaimedIdentifier, _
authUser, _
authUser = Nothing
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(go) Then : Return Redirect(go)
Else : Return RedirectToAction("Index", "Events")
End If
Case AuthenticationStatus.Canceled
ViewData("Message") = "Canceled at provider"
Return View("Login")
Case AuthenticationStatus.Failed
ViewData("Message") = response.Exception.Message
Return View("Login")
End Select
End If
Return New EmptyResult()
End Function