Вот прокомментированный скрипт http://corkami.googlecode.com/svn-history/r399/trunk/misc/jjencode.txt
// this is a commented source of a jjencode script
// jjencode, http://utf-8.jp/public/jjencode.html
// reference: Peter Ferrie, 2011, http://pferrie2.tripod.com/papers/jjencode.pdf
// for reference,
// alert("Hello, JavaScript" )
// is encoded as
// $=~[];$={___:++$,$$$$:(![]+"")[$],__$:++$,$_$_:(![]+"")[$],_$_:++$,$_$$:({}+"")[$],$$_$:($[$]+"")[$],_$$:++$,$$$_:(!""+"")[$],$__:++$,$_$:++$,$$__:({}+"")[$],$$_:++$,$$$:++$,$___:++$,$__$:++$};$.$_=($.$_=$+"")[$.$_$]+($._$=$.$_[$.__$])+($.$$=($.$+"")[$.__$])+((!$)+"")[$._$$]+($.__=$.$_[$.$$_])+($.$=(!""+"")[$.__$])+($._=(!""+"")[$._$_])+$.$_[$.$_$]+$.__+$._$+$.$;$.$$=$.$+(!""+"")[$._$$]+$.__+$._+$.$+$.$$;$.$=($.___)[$.$_][$.$_];$.$($.$($.$$+"\""+$.$_$_+(![]+"")[$._$_]+$.$$$_+"\\"+$.__$+$.$$_+$._$_+$.__+"(\\\"\\"+$.__$+$.__$+$.___+$.$$$_+(![]+"")[$._$_]+(![]+"")[$._$_]+$._$+",\\"+$.$__+$.___+"\\"+$.__$+$.__$+$._$_+$.$_$_+"\\"+$.__$+$.$$_+$.$$_+$.$_$_+"\\"+$.__$+$._$_+$._$$+$.$$__+"\\"+$.__$+$.$$_+$._$_+"\\"+$.__$+$.$_$+$.__$+"\\"+$.__$+$.$$_+$.___+$.__+"\\\"\\"+$.$__+$.___+")"+"\"")())();
// preliminary points
// (a + "") gives the string representation of a
// [] = empty array. 0 by value, -1 with ~ => ~[] = -1
// as a string, ![] gives 'false'
// {} = empty object.
// as a string, {} gives '[object Object]'
// if a is a x-long array, a[x] is 'undefined' as a string. same for absent properties.
// "" is an empty string. !"" returns 'true' as it is indeed 'null'
// now let's start with the actual code
// creating $ variable with a value.
$=~[]; // $ = -1
// defining properties of a $ object.
$ =
___:++$, // 0, $ = 0
$$$$:(![] + ””)[$], // 0th char of 'false', => 'f'
__$:++$, // 1, $ = 1 now...
$_$_:(![] + ””)[$], // 1st char of 'false' => 'a'
_$_:++$, // 2...
$_$$:({} + ””)[$], // 2nd char of '[object Object]' => 'b'
$$_$:($[$] + ””)[$], // 2nd char of 'undefined' => 'd'
_$$:++$, // 3...
$$$_:(!”” + ””)[$], // 3rd char of 'true' => 'e'
$__:++$, // 4
$_$:++$, // 5
$$__:({} + ””)[$], // 5th char of '[object Object]' => 'c'
$$_:++$, // 6
$$$:++$, // 7
$___:++$, // 8
$__$:++$ // 9
// => in order, ___, __$, _$_, _$$, $__, $_$, $$_, $$$, $___, $__$, $_$_, $_$$, $$__, $$_$, $$$_, $$$$ are now equal to 0...F,
// note they are just binary numbers with character substitution
$.$_ =
($.$_ = $ + ””)[$.$_$] + // 5th character of '[object Object]' => $.$_ = 'c'
($._$ = $.$_[$.__$]) + // 1st character of ... => $._$ = 'o'
($.$$ = ($.$ + ””)[$.__$]) + // 1st char of 'undefined' => $.$$ = 'n'
((!$) + ””)[$._$$] + // 3rd char of 'false' => 's' // poor s, we don't save it...
($.__ = $.$_[$.$$_]) + // 6th char of '[object Object]' => $.__ = 't'
($.$ = (!”” + ””)[$.__$]) + // 1st char of 'true' => $.$ = 'r'
($._ = (!”” + ””)[$._$_]) + // 2nd char of 'true' => $._ = 'u'
$.$_[$.$_$] + // 5th char of '[object Object]'] => 'c' // hey, we already have a c !
$.__ + // 't'
$._$ + // 'o'
$.$; // 'r'
// => $.$_ = 'constructor'
$.$$ =
$.$ + // 'r'
(!”” + ””)[$._$$] + // 'true'[3] => 'e'
$.__ + // 't'
$._ + // 'u'
$.$ + // 'r'
$.$$; // 'n'
$.$ =
($.___)[$.$_][$.$_]; // (0)[constructor][constructor]
// summary of $ at this point
// $ = {}
// $.___ = '0';
// $.__$ = '1';
// $._$_ = '2';
// $._$$ = '3';
// $.$__ = '4';
// $.$_$ = '5';
// $.$$_ = '6';
// $.$$$ = '7';
// $.$___ = '8';
// $.$__$ = '9';
// $.$_$_ = 'a';
// $.$_$$ = 'b';
// $.$$__ = 'c';
// $.$$_$ = 'd';
// $.$$$_ = 'e';
// $.$$$$ = 'f';
// $.$_ = 'c'
// $._$ = 'o'
// $.$$ = 'n'
// $.__ = 't'
// $.$ = 'r'
// $._ = 'u'
// $.$_ = 'constructor';
// $.$$ = 'return';
// $.$ = (0)[constructor][constructor]
// and finally, the only line of call
$.$$ + ”\”” + ENCODED + ”\””
) ();
return + " + ENCODED + "
// 'equivalent' to eval(eval(ENCODED))
// encoding
// !"#$%&’()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]^_`{|}~ as is
// 0123456789abcdeftou => as $ properties. Ex : 'babe' = $.$_$$ + $.$_$_ + $.$_$$ + $.$$$_
// other ascii chars: as \xxx (octal) encoding. Ex: 'A' = char(65) = \101 = "\\" + $.__$ + $.___ + $.__$
// unicode chars as \u????. ex: 'sea', \u6d77 as "\\" + $._ + $.$$_ + $.$$_$ + $.$$$ + $.$$$
// so in the end, it's just defining a $ object and executing an eval on a string, that is built character by character.
// to confirm, here is a small imperfect python decryption script
// import sys
// start = r'$=~[];$={___:++$,$$$$:(![]+"")[$],__$:++$,$_$_:(![]+"")[$],_$_:++$,$_$$:({}+"")[$],$$_$:($[$]+"")[$],_$$:++$,$$$_:(!""+"")[$],$__:++$,$_$:++$,$$__:({}+"")[$],$$_:++$,$$$:++$,$___:++$,$__$:++$};$.$_=($.$_=$+"")[$.$_$]+($._$=$.$_[$.__$])+($.$$=($.$+"")[$.__$])+((!$)+"")[$._$$]+($.__=$.$_[$.$$_])+($.$=(!""+"")[$.__$])+($._=(!""+"")[$._$_])+$.$_[$.$_$]+$.__+$._$+$.$;$.$$=$.$+(!""+"")[$._$$]+$.__+$._+$.$+$.$$;$.$=($.___)[$.$_][$.$_];$.$($.$($.$$+"\""+'
// end = r'+"\"")())();'
// with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
// r = f.read()
// r = r.replace(start, "").replace(end, "")
// print r
// subst = [
// ['$.$___','8'],
// ['$.$__$','9'],
// ['$.$_$_','a'],
// ['$.$_$$','b'],
// ['$.$$__','c'],
// ['$.$$_$','d'],
// ['$.$$$_','e'],
// ['$.$$$$','f'],
// ['$.___','0'],
// ['$.__$','1'],
// ['$._$_','2'],
// ['$._$$','3'],
// ['$.$__','4'],
// ['$.$_$','5'],
// ['$.$$_','6'],
// ['$.$$$','7'],
// ['$.$_', 'c'],
// ['$._$', 'o'],
// ['$.$$', 'n'],
// ['$.__', 't'],
// ['$.$', 'r'],
// ['$._', 'u'],
// [r'"\\"' , '\\'],
// ["\"\\\\\\\\\"", "\\\\"],
// ["+", ""],
// ]
// for s in subst:
// r = r.replace(s[0], s[1])
// r = r.replace("+", "")
// print r
// Ange Albertini, BSD Licence 2011