Вот хакерский способ, которым я сделал это прямо с PHP. Есть три связанных таблицы. Я использовал цвет и размер в качестве своих атрибутов.
Мои родительские продукты (настраиваемые) на самом деле не существуют в моем каталоге. По сути, это уровень модели, а затем продукты уровня SKU.
Так что LIKE 'parentproductsku%' работает для детей.
$query1 = "SELECT * FROM mage_catalog_product_entity WHERE type_id= 'configurable'";
//Find the parent id
$statusMessage = "Ok, found a product with a confgurable attribute";
$result1 = $this->runQuery($query1, "query1", $statusMessage);
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) { //entering the first loop where products are configurable
$this->parentId = $row1['entity_id'];
$this->parentSku = $row1['sku'];
echo "The SKU was $this->parentSku" . "<br />";
//insert these into the link table for association
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM mage_catalog_product_entity WHERE type_id= 'simple' AND sku LIKE '" . $this->parentSku . "%';";
// find the child ids that belong to the parent
$statusMessage = "Found some children for $this->parentSku";
$result2 = $this->runQuery($query2, "query2", $statusMessage);
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {//entering the second loop where SKU is like model sku
$this->childId = $row2['entity_id'];
$this->childSku = $row2['sku'];
echo "Now we're working with a child SKU $this->childSku" . "<br />";
//"REPLACE INTO catalog_product_super_attribute SET product_id='".$product->entity_id."', attribute_id='".$attribute->attribute_id."', position='".$position."'";
$query3 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_super_attribute (product_id, attribute_id, position) VALUES ('" . $this->childId . "', '76', '0');";
$message3 = "Inserted attribute for color for ID $this->childId SKU $this->childSku";
$result3 = $this->runQuery($query3, "query3", $message3);
$query4 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_super_attribute_label (product_super_attribute_id, store_id, use_default, value) VALUES (LAST_REPLACE_ID(), '0', '0', 'Color');";
$message4 = "Inserted attribute for Color SKU $this->childSku ID was $this->db->insert_id";
$result4 = $this->runQuery($query4, "query4", $message4);
$query5 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_super_attribute (product_id, attribute_id, position) VALUES ('" . $this->childId . "', '529', '0');";
$message5 = "Inserted attribute for Product Size SKU $this->childSku";
$result5= $this->runQuery($query5, "query5", $message5);
$query6 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_super_attribute_label (product_super_attribute_id, store_id, use_default, value) VALUES (LAST_REPLACE_ID(), '0', '0', 'Size');";
$message6 = "Inserted attribute for Size SKU $this->childSku ID was $this->db->insert_id";
$result6 = $this->runQuery($query6, "query6", $message6);
$query7 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_super_link (product_id, parent_id) VALUES ('" . $this->childId . "', '" . $this->parentId . "');";
$message7 = "Inserted $this->childId and $this->parentId into the link table";
$result7 = $this->runQuery($query7, "query7", $message7);
$query8 = "REPLACE INTO mage_catalog_product_relation (parent_id, child_id) VALUES ('" . $this->parentId . "', '" . $this->childId . "');";
$message8 = "Inserted $this->childId and $this->parentId into the link table";
$result8 = $this->runQuery($query8, "query8", $message8);
} //end while row 2 the child ID
} //end while row 1 the parent id