если кто-то ищет php solutin:
Пакет: https://github.com/uzi88/PHP_MySQL_wrapper
$db = new MySQL_wrapper(MySQL_HOST, MySQL_USER, MySQL_PASS, MySQL_DB);
// this sample gets column names from first row of file
//$db->createTableFromCSV('test_files/countrylist.csv', 'csv_to_table_test');
// this sample generates column names
$db->createTableFromCSV('test_files/countrylist1.csv', 'csv_to_table_test_no_column_names', ',', '"', '\\', 0, array(), 'generate', '\r\n');
/** Create table from CSV file and imports CSV data to Table with possibility to update rows while import.
* @param string $file - CSV File path
* @param string $table - Table name
* @param string $delimiter - COLUMNS TERMINATED BY (Default: ',')
* @param string $enclosure - OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY (Default: '"')
* @param string $escape - ESCAPED BY (Default: '\')
* @param integer $ignore - Number of ignored rows (Default: 1)
* @param array $update - If row fields needed to be updated eg date format or increment (SQL format only @FIELD is variable with content of that field in CSV row) $update = array('SOME_DATE' => 'STR_TO_DATE(@SOME_DATE, "%d/%m/%Y")', 'SOME_INCREMENT' => '@SOME_INCREMENT + 1')
* @param string $getColumnsFrom - Get Columns Names from (file or generate) - this is important if there is update while inserting (Default: file)
* @param string $newLine - New line delimiter (Default: \n)
* @return number of inserted rows or false
// function createTableFromCSV($file, $table, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $ignore = 1, $update = array(), $getColumnsFrom = 'file', $newLine = '\r\n')