Я хочу скомпилировать проект Quartus II в gitlab-runner.Я написал файл bat, и он скомпилирован в окне cmd.Но когда я использую gitlab-runner, бегун печатает "Error (292025): License file is not specified
Операционная система запуска - WIN7-64.Лицензия Quartus хранится в D:\file\license.dat
# build.bat
quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off simple_project -c simple_project
quartus_fit --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off simple_project -c simple_project
quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off simple_project -c simple_project
quartus_sta simple_project -c simple_project
# gitlab-runner output
Running with gitlab-runner 11.9.2 (fa86510e)
on win7-56 d-H2B5Ns
Using Shell executor...
Running on WIN7X64...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in C:/runner/builds/d-H2B5Ns/0/fpga/hello_world/.git/
Clean repository
Fetching changes...
fatal: remote origin already exists.
From http://git.hz-electric.cn/fpga/hello_world
207af28..82af0b0 dev -> origin/dev
Checking out 82af0b05 as dev...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ build.bat
Error (292025): License file is not specified.
Error (132003): Run Analysis and Synthesis (quartus_map) with top-level entity name "simple_project" before running the current Quartus II software
Error (292025): License file is not specified.
Error (316008): Selected feature of TimeQuest Timing Analyzer is not available with your current license, or license does not exist
Как заставить бегуна работать хорошо?