Python для робототехники: как создать приложение для локализации робота Pepper - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 04 июля 2018

В эти дни я пытался создать приложение, используя шаблон pythonapp из проекта Github Jumpstarter (, чтобы выполнить локализацию Pepper. Моя основная идея - объединить модуль LandmarkDetector в сгенерированное приложение «Lokalisierung». «(Локализация немецкого языка). mainlandmarkdetection

Вы можете прочитать весь код "", "" и "" здесь:


#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-

"" "Пример: демонстрирует способ локализации робота с ALLandMarkDetection "" "

import qi
import time
import sys
import argparse
import math
import almath

class LandmarkDetector(object):
We first instantiate a proxy to the ALLandMarkDetection module
Note that this module should be loaded on the robot's naoqi.
The module output its results in ALMemory in a variable
called "LandmarkDetected".
We then read this ALMemory value and check whether we get
interesting things.
After that we get the related position of the landmark compared to robot.
def __init__(self, app):
    Initialisation of qi framework and event detection.
    super(LandmarkDetector, self).__init__()

    session = app.session
    # Get the service ALMemory.
    self.memory = session.service("ALMemory")
    # Connect the event callback.

    # Get the services ALMotion & ALRobotPosture.

    self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
    self.posture_service = session.service("ALRobotPosture")

    self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber("LandmarkDetected")
    print "self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber(LandmarkDetected)"
    print "self.subscriber.signal.connect(self.on_landmark_detected)"
    # Get the services ALTextToSpeech, ALLandMarkDetection and ALMotion.
    self.tts = session.service("ALTextToSpeech")
    self.landmark_detection = session.service("ALLandMarkDetection")
  #  print "self.landmark_detection" is repr(self.landmark_detection)
    self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
    self.landmark_detection.subscribe("LandmarkDetector", 500, 0.0 )
    print "self.landmark_detection.subscribe(LandmarkDetector, 500, 0.0 )"
    self.got_landmark = False
    # Set here the size of the landmark in meters.
    self.landmarkTheoreticalSize = 0.06 #in meters 0  #.05 or 0.06?
    # Set here the current camera ("CameraTop" or "CameraBottom").
    self.currentCamera = "CameraTop"

def on_landmark_detected(self, markData):
    Callback for event LandmarkDetected.
    while markData == [] :  # empty value when the landmark disappears
        self.got_landmark = False
        self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)

    if not self.got_landmark:  # only speak the first time a landmark appears
        self.got_landmark = True


        print "Ich sehe eine Landmarke! "
        self.tts.say("Ich sehe eine Landmarke! ")

        # Retrieve landmark center position in radians.
        wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1]
        wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2]

        # Retrieve landmark angular size in radians.
        angularSize = markData[1][0][0][3]

        # Compute distance to landmark.
        distanceFromCameraToLandmark = self.landmarkTheoreticalSize / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))

        # Get current camera position in NAO space.
        transform = self.motion_service.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)
        transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
        robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)

        # Compute the rotation to point towards the landmark.
        cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, wyCamera, wzCamera)

        # Compute the translation to reach the landmark.
        cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distanceFromCameraToLandmark, 0, 0)

        # Combine all transformations to get the landmark position in NAO space.
        robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform

#    robotTurnAroundAngle = almath.rotationFromAngleDirection(0, 1, 1, 1)
#        print "robotTurnAroundAngle = ", robotTurnAroundAngle

        print "x " + str(robotToLandmark.r1_c4) + " (in meters)"
        print "y " + str(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) + " (in meters)"
        print "z " + str(robotToLandmark.r3_c4) + " (in meters)"

def run(self):
    Loop on, wait for events until manual interruption.

    # Wake up robot

    # Send robot to Pose Init
    self.posture_service.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)

    # Example showing how to get a simplified robot position in world.
    useSensorValues = False
    result = self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues)
    print "Robot Position", result

    # Example showing how to use this information to know the robot's diplacement.
    useSensorValues = False
    #   initRobotPosition = almath.Pose2D(self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues))

    # Make the robot move
    for i in range(1, 12, 1):
        self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)
        print "self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, (0.1)*math.pi)"

    print "Starting LandmarkDetector"
        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "Interrupted by user, stopping LandmarkDetector"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="",
                    help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use 
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,
                    help="Naoqi port number")

    args = parser.parse_args()
        # Initialize qi framework.
        connection_url = "tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port)
        app = qi.Application(["LandmarkDetector", "--qi-url=" + connection_url])
    except RuntimeError:
        print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n"
               "Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.")
    landmark_detector = LandmarkDetector(app)


"" "Пример, показывающий, как создать скрипт Python в качестве приложения." ""

версия = "0.0.8"

copyright = "Copyright 2015, Aldebaran Robotics" author = 'ВАШЕ ИМЯ' электронная почта =''

import stk.runner
import stk.logging

class Activity(object):

"Пример автономного приложения, демонстрирующего простое использование Python" APP_ID = "com.aldebaran.lokalisierung"

def __init__(self, qiapp):
    self.qiapp = qiapp =
    self.s =
    self.logger = stk.logging.get_logger(qiapp.session, self.APP_ID)

def on_touched(self, *args):
    "Callback for tablet touched."
    if args:"ALTabletService.onTouchDown")"Tablet touched: " + str(args))

def on_start(self):
    "Ask to be touched, waits, and exits."
    # Two ways of waiting for events
    # 1) block until it's called

    self.s.ALTextToSpeech.say("Touch my forehead.")
    self.logger.warning("Listening for touch...")
    while not"FrontTactilTouched"):

    # 2) explicitly connect a callback
    if self.s.ALTabletService:"ALTabletService.onTouchDown", self.on_touched)
        self.s.ALTextToSpeech.say("okay, now touch my tablet.")
        # (this allows to simltaneously speak and watch an event)
        self.s.ALTextToSpeech.say("touch my tablet ... oh. " + \
            "I don't haave one.")

def stop(self):
    "Standard way of stopping the application."

def on_stop(self):
    "Cleanup""Application finished.")

if __name__ == "__main__":



#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-

"" "Пример, показывающий, как сделать скрипт Python в качестве приложения для локализации робот с ALLandMarkDetection "" "

версия = "0.0.8"

copyright = "Copyright 2015, Aldebaran Robotics"

автор = 'ВАШЕ ИМЯ'

электронная почта =''

import stk.runner
import stk.logging
import time
import sys
import math
import almath

class Activity(object):

"Пример автономного приложения, демонстрирующего простое использование Python" APP_ID = "com.aldebaran.lokalisierung"

def __init__(self, qiapp):

    self.qiapp = qiapp =
    self.s =
    self.logger = stk.logging.get_logger(qiapp.session, self.APP_ID)
    session = qiapp.session
    # Get the service ALMemory.
    self.memory = session.service("ALMemory")
    # Connect the event callback.

    # Get the services ALMotion & ALRobotPosture.

    self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
    self.posture_service = session.service("ALRobotPosture")

    self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber("LandmarkDetected")
    print "self.subscriber = self.memory.subscriber(LandmarkDetected)"
    print "self.subscriber.signal.connect(self.on_landmark_detected)"
    # Get the services ALTextToSpeech, ALLandMarkDetection and ALMotion.
    self.tts = session.service("ALTextToSpeech")
    self.landmark_detection = session.service("ALLandMarkDetection")
    #  print "self.landmark_detection" is repr(self.landmark_detection)
    self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
    self.landmark_detection.subscribe("Activity", 500, 0.0)
    print "self.landmark_detection.subscribe(Activity, 500, 0.0 )"
    self.got_landmark = False
    # Set here the size of the landmark in meters.
    self.landmarkTheoreticalSize = 0.06  # in meters 0  #.05 or 0.06?
    # Set here the current camera ("CameraTop" or "CameraBottom").
    self.currentCamera = "CameraTop"

def on_landmark_detected(self, markData):
    Callback for event LandmarkDetected.
    while markData == []:  # empty value when the landmark disappears
        self.got_landmark = False
    #           self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)

    if not self.got_landmark:  # only speak the first time a landmark appears
        self.got_landmark = True

        # stop.motion_service.moveTo

        print "Ich sehe eine Landmarke! "
        #          self.tts.say("Ich sehe eine Landmarke! ")

        # Retrieve landmark center position in radians.
        wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1]
        wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2]

        # Retrieve landmark angular size in radians.
        angularSize = markData[1][0][0][3]

        # Compute distance to landmark.
        distanceFromCameraToLandmark = self.landmarkTheoreticalSize / (2 * math.tan(angularSize / 2))

        # Get current camera position in NAO space.
        transform = self.motion_service.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)
        transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
        robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)

        # Compute the rotation to point towards the landmark.
        cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, wyCamera, wzCamera)

        # Compute the translation to reach the landmark.
        cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distanceFromCameraToLandmark, 0, 0)

        # Combine all transformations to get the landmark position in NAO space.
        robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform * cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform

        #    robotTurnAroundAngle = almath.rotationFromAngleDirection(0, 1, 1, 1)
        #        print "robotTurnAroundAngle = ", robotTurnAroundAngle

        print "x " + str(robotToLandmark.r1_c4) + " (in meters)"
        print "y " + str(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) + " (in meters)"
        print "z " + str(robotToLandmark.r3_c4) + " (in meters)"

def run(self):
    Loop on, wait for events until manual interruption.

    # Wake up robot

    # Send robot to Pose Init
    self.posture_service.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)

    # Example showing how to get a simplified robot position in world.
    useSensorValues = False
    result = self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues)
    print "Robot Position", result

    # Example showing how to use this information to know the robot's diplacement.
    useSensorValues = False
    #   initRobotPosition = almath.Pose2D(self.motion_service.getRobotPosition(useSensorValues))

    # Make the robot move
    for i in range(1, 20, 1):
        self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, 0.1 * math.pi)
        print "self.motion_service.moveTo(0, 0, (0.1)*math.pi)"

    print "Starting Activity"
        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "Interrupted by user, stopping Activity"
        # stop

    def stop(self):
        "Standard way of stopping the application."

    def on_stop(self):
        "Cleanup""Application finished.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


    landmark_detector = Activity()

Вот как это работает в cmd.exe:

bugs_for_mainlandmarkdetection02 bugs_for_mainlandmarkdetection03 И у меня есть вопрос к параметру «landmark_detector = Activity()» в строке 157 почти в конце программы из-за ошибки в изображении, которую я должен передать. После прочтения ответов на подобный вопрос здесь Stackoverflow Python: TypeError: __init __ () принимает ровно 2 аргумента (1 дано) , я все еще в замешательстве. Я думаю, что это должно быть значение, которое присваивается "qiapp", но какое значение?

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Frederik

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 05 июля 2018

На самом деле, когда вы звоните


... он создаст экземпляр этого объекта активности для вас с правильными параметрами, вам не нужно landmark_detector = Activity () и т. Д. В

И если у этого объекта есть метод on_start, этот метод будет вызван, когда все будет готово (поэтому вам может потребоваться только переименовать метод run () в on_start ()

Обратите внимание, что вместо вызова sys.stop () вы можете просто вызвать self.stop () или self.qiapp.stop () (что немного чище с точки зрения возможности вызова кода очистки в on_stop , если вам нужно отписаться о вещах и т. д.)

См. здесь для некоторой документации по stk.runner.

Обратите внимание, что вместо выполнения

self.motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
transform = self.motion_service.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)

вы можете напрямую сделать

transform = self.s.ALMotion.getTransform(self.currentCamera, 2, True)

... что (на мой взгляд) облегчает точное представление о том, что делается (и уменьшает количество переменных).
