// Let's say I have an array like this of rectangles where they have set y coordinates
// Some constraints on how this array comes out: it will besorted by the yTop property as shown below, but with no secondary sort criteria.
// The rectangles difference between yBottom and yTop is always at least 15, in other words this array won't contain any rectangles less than 15 in height
const rectanglesYcoordinatesOnlyExample1 = [
// I want to get a result sort of like this, explanations provided, although I'm not sure if my internal calculations in my head are 100% on the further I go.
// And I want to a run a function like so:
// optimizeLeftAndRightXStartPointsForNormalizedRectangleAreaWithoutOverlapping(rectanglesYcoordinatesOnlyExample1,(33.3 * 15),10,0,100);
// I will make this call later but I need to hoist my expected results here to enable the mocking to work for now at the point of the function definiton for my example. (see below)
// like so I'd get a result something like this, but I start becoming less certain of what the correct result should be the more I go into fringe stuff.
const expectedResultMoreOrLessForExample1 = [
{"rectangle_id":"81ed","leftX":0,"rightX":33.3,"yTop":207,"yBottom":222}, // Three rectangles side by side with minimum Area ["81ed","b446","ebd3"] from this point
{"rectangle_id":"ebd3","isMax":true,"leftX":66.7,"rightX":100,"yTop":207,"yBottom":222}, // has isMax property because there would be an overlap if it tried the next result, and it can't take area away from the other rectangles
// This rectangle gets thrown out because it would be there are 3 other rectangles in that area each with the minimum area (33.3 * 15);
// {"rectangle_id":"2caf","yTop":208,"yBottom":223}, This one gets thrown out from the result the time being because there are too many rectangles in one area of vertical space.
{"rectangle_id":"c2d1","leftX":71.28,"rightX":100,"yTop":272,"yBottom":290}, // fill the remaining space since optimizing to max area would take 99%
// the function name is really long to reflect what it is what I want to do. Don't normally make functions this intense
const optimizeLeftAndRightXStartPointsForNormalizedRectangleAreaWithoutOverlapping = (rectangles,minimumArea,minimumWidth,xMin,xMax)=>{
// TODO : fill in the optimization function.
// Code I'm looking for would be swapped in here if you wanted to make changes to demo it do it here
if(rectangles === rectanglesYcoordinatesOnlyExample1 && minimumArea === (33.3 * 15) && minimumWidth === 10 && xMin === 0 && xMax === 100){ // Just handling the example
return expectedResultMoreOrLessForExample1;
} else {
console.log('I only know how to handle example 1, as computed by a human, poorly. fill in the function and replace the block with working stuff');
return [];
const displayResults = (completedRectangleList) => {
const rectangleColors = ['cyan','magenta','green','yellow','orange']
completedRectangleList.forEach((rectangle,index) =>{
let newRectangle = document.createElement('div');
newRectangle.style.position = 'absolute';
newRectangle.style.height = rectangle.yBottom - rectangle.yTop + 'px';
newRectangle.style.top = rectangle.yTop + 'px';
newRectangle.style.left = parseInt(rectangle.leftX)+'%';
newRectangle.style.width = rectangle.rightX - rectangle.leftX + "%";
newRectangle.style.backgroundColor = rectangleColors[index % rectangleColors.length];
newRectangle.innerHTML = rectangle.rectangle_id;
newRectangle.innerHTML += '- more hidden';
// I am calling this function with minimum Area of 33.3 * 15, because it represents 3 min height rectangles taking up a third of the minX,maxX values, which are 0 & 100, representing a percentage value ultimately
let resultForExample1 = optimizeLeftAndRightXStartPointsForNormalizedRectangleAreaWithoutOverlapping(rectanglesYcoordinatesOnlyExample1,(33.3 * 15),10,0,100);