Я новичок здесь.Я работаю над проектом, основанным на дополненной реальности, и играю 3D-анимацию в этом приложении.Я хочу добавить функцию в приложение «Ущипнуть» и «ущипнуть» любую 3D-анимацию.Я столкнулся с проблемой в Pinch in и Pinch из 3D-анимации.Я пробовал код, предоставленный в форме единства, но была проблема с ортогональной камерой.
Код сайта Unity
using UnityEngine;
public class PinchZoom : MonoBehaviour
public float perspectiveZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the field of view in perspective mode.
public float orthoZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the orthographic size in orthographic mode.
void Update()
// If there are two touches on the device...
if (Input.touchCount == 2)
// Store both touches.
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
// Find the position in the previous frame of each touch.
Vector2 touchZeroPrevPos = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePrevPos = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
// Find the magnitude of the vector (the distance) between the touches in each frame.
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPrevPos - touchOnePrevPos).magnitude;
float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
// Find the difference in the distances between each frame.
float deltaMagnitudeDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - touchDeltaMag;
// If the camera is orthographic...
if (camera.isOrthoGraphic)
// ... change the orthographic size based on the change in distance between the touches.
camera.orthographicSize += deltaMagnitudeDiff * orthoZoomSpeed;
// Make sure the orthographic size never drops below zero.
camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(camera.orthographicSize, 0.1f);
// Otherwise change the field of view based on the change in distance between the touches.
camera.fieldOfView += deltaMagnitudeDiff * perspectiveZoomSpeed;
// Clamp the field of view to make sure it's between 0 and 180.
camera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Clamp(camera.fieldOfView, 0.1f, 179.9f);
Моя попытка
using UnityEngine;
public class Pinch_MUN : MonoBehaviour {
public float perspectiveZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the field of view in perspective mode.
public float orthoZoomSpeed = 0.5f; // The rate of change of the orthographic size in orthographic mode.
void Update()
// If there are two touches on the device...
if (Input.touchCount == 2)
// Store both touches.
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
// Find the position in the previous frame of each touch.
Vector2 touchZeroPrevPos = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePrevPos = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
// Find the magnitude of the vector (the distance) between the touches in each frame.
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPrevPos - touchOnePrevPos).magnitude;
float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
// Find the difference in the distances between each frame.
float deltaMagnitudeDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - touchDeltaMag;
// If the camera is orthographic...
if (GetComponent<Camera>().orthographic == true)
// ... change the orthographic size based on the change in distance between the touches.
GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize += deltaMagnitudeDiff * orthoZoomSpeed;
// Make sure the orthographic size never drops below zero.
GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize, 0.1f);
// Otherwise change the field of view based on the change in distance between the touches.
GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView += deltaMagnitudeDiff * perspectiveZoomSpeed;
// Clamp the field of view to make sure it's between 0 and 180.
GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = Mathf.Clamp(GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView, 0.1f, 179.9f);
Для меня не имеет значения, что мы либо зажимаем камеру, либо просто зажимаем 3D-анимацию в представлении.Пожалуйста, помогите мне разобраться в моей ошибке, согласно приведенному выше сценарию.Заранее спасибо за помощь.