Пожалуйста, извините моего бедного Энгли sh.
Я создаю инструмент, который оптимизирует модели fbx, хранящиеся в данном каталоге.
Я видел эту страницу .
Я могу оптимизировать obj-модели таким способом, но не могу оптимизировать fbx-модели.
Программа не выдает никаких ошибок или сообщений, она экспортирует 1-килобайтный поврежденный fbx-файл.
Это мой код.
#include "SimplygonSDK.h"
#include "SimplygonSDKLoader.cpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace SimplygonSDK;
using namespace std;
class ProgressObserver : public robserver
virtual void Execute(
IObject * subject,
rid EventId,
void * EventParameterBlock,
unsigned int EventParameterBlockSize)
// only care for progress events
// get the progress in percent
int val = *((int *)EventParameterBlock);
// tell the process to continue
// this is required by the progress event
*((int *)EventParameterBlock) = 1;
// output the progress update
cout << val << "\n";
} progressObserver;
void RunHighQualityReduction(const std::string& readFrom, const std::string& writeTo);
ISimplygonSDK* sg = 0;
int main() {
string license = "", licensePath = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\SimplygonSDK\\Simplygon_8_license.dat";
if (!ReadLicense(licensePath, license)) {
cout << "Failed to Read License\n";
return -1;
cout << "Read License Complete\n";
if (!LoadLicense(license)) {
cout << "Failed to Load License\n";
return -1;
cout << "Load License Complete\n";
string sdkPath = "C:\\Users\\{myname}\\AppData\\Local\\Simplygon\\Grid\\Agent\\SimplygonLibs\\SimplygonLib_8.3.35000.0\\SimplygonSDKRuntimeReleasex64.dll";
if (!LoadDynamicLibrary(sdkPath)) {
cout << "Failed to Find SDK\n";
return -1;
cout << "Load SDK Complete\n";
int retval = Initialize(&sg, sdkPath.c_str(), license.c_str());
if (retval == SimplygonSDK::SG_ERROR_NOERROR) {
RunHighQualityReduction("C:\\Users\\{myname}\\Documents\\Assets\\Models\\model.FBX", "E:\\Simplygon_Export\\temp.fbx");
cout << "Initialized\n";
return 0;
void RunHighQualityReduction(const std::string& readFrom, const std::string& writeTo)
// Load input geometry from file
auto objReader = sg->CreateWavefrontImporter();
//objReader->SetExtractGroups(false); //This makes the .obj reader import into a single geometry object instead of multiple
cout << readFrom.c_str() << "\n";
if (!objReader->RunImport())
throw std::exception("Failed to load input file!");
// Get geometry and materials from importer
spScene originalScene = objReader->GetScene();
//Create a copy of the original scene on which we will run the reduction
spScene lodScene = originalScene->NewCopy();
// Create the reduction-processor, and set which scene to reduce
spReductionProcessor reductionProcessor = sg->CreateReductionProcessor();
// SETTINGS - Most of these are set to the same value by default, but are set anyway for clarity
// The reduction settings object contains settings pertaining to the actual decimation
spReductionSettings reductionSettings = reductionProcessor->GetReductionSettings();
reductionSettings->SetKeepSymmetry(true); //Try, when possible to reduce symmetrically
reductionSettings->SetUseAutomaticSymmetryDetection(true); //Auto-detect the symmetry plane, if one exists. Can, if required, be set manually instead.
reductionSettings->SetUseHighQualityNormalCalculation(true); //Drastically increases the quality of the LODs normals, at the cost of extra processing time.
reductionSettings->SetReductionHeuristics(SG_REDUCTIONHEURISTICS_CONSISTENT); //Choose between "fast" and "consistent" processing. Fast will look as good, but may cause inconsistent
//triangle counts when comparing MaxDeviation targets to the corresponding percentage targets.
// The reducer uses importance weights for all features to decide where and how to reduce.
// These are advanced settings and should only be changed if you have some specific reduction requirement
/*reductionSettings->SetShadingImportance(2.f); //This would make the shading twice as important to the reducer as the other features.*/
// The actual reduction triangle target are controlled by these settings
reductionSettings->SetStopCondition(SG_STOPCONDITION_ANY);//The reduction stops when any of the targets below is reached
reductionSettings->SetReductionTargets(SG_REDUCTIONTARGET_ALL);//Selects which targets should be considered when reducing
reductionSettings->SetTriangleRatio(0.5); //Targets at 50% of the original triangle count
//reductionSettings->SetTriangleCount(10); //Targets when only 10 triangle remains
//reductionSettings->SetMaxDeviation(REAL_MAX); //Targets when an error of the specified size has been reached. As set here it never happens.
//reductionSettings->SetOnScreenSize(50); //Targets when the LOD is optimized for the selected on screen pixel size
// The repair settings object contains settings to fix the geometries
spRepairSettings repairSettings = reductionProcessor->GetRepairSettings();
repairSettings->SetTjuncDist(0.0f); //Removes t-junctions with distance 0.0f
repairSettings->SetWeldDist(0.0f); //Welds overlapping vertices
// The normal calculation settings deal with the normal-specific reduction settings
spNormalCalculationSettings normalSettings = reductionProcessor->GetNormalCalculationSettings();
normalSettings->SetReplaceNormals(false); //If true, this will turn off normal handling in the reducer and recalculate them all afterwards instead.
//If false, the reducer will try to preserve the original normals as well as possible
/*normalSettings->SetHardEdgeAngleInRadians( 3.14159f*60.0f/180.0f ); //If the normals are recalculated, this sets the hard-edge angle.*/
reductionProcessor->AddObserver(&progressObserver, SG_EVENT_PROGRESS);
// Run the actual processing. After this, the set geometry will have been reduced according to the settings
// For this reduction, the LOD will use the same material set as the original, and hence no further processing is required
//Create an .obj exporter to save our result
spWavefrontExporter objExporter = sg->CreateWavefrontExporter();
// Generate the output filenames
std::string outputGeomFilename = writeTo;
// Do the actual exporting
objExporter->SetScene(lodScene); //This is the geometry we set as the processing geom of the reducer, retaining the materials in the original scene
if (objExporter->RunExport()) {
cout << "Export success\n";
else {
cout << "Export failed\n";
//Done! LOD created.
Я также пытался ReductionPipeline .
Но это не сработало и выдало сообщение об ошибке
"An error occured in a call to IReductionPipeline::RunSceneFromFile:
Error text: This is not a raven stream, or the stream is corrupt"
Моя среда
Windows10 Home 64bit,
Simplygon Lib 8.3.35000.
Я могу оптимизировать модели fbx с Просто пользовательский интерфейс. Поэтому я думаю, что SDK не сломан.