Можно ли создать массив неограниченного массива в VHDL? Я использую XCELIUM 18.03-s001.
Так я объявляю тип сигнала в pkg_test.vhd :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package pkg_test is
type t_data_bus_array is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector;
end pkg_test;
Это сущность test_entity.vhd
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.pkg_test.all;
entity test_entity is
generic (
DATA_WIDTH : natural := 9; -- Data width of single input
NUMBER_OF_INPUTS : natural := 4 -- Number of inputs
pi_data : in t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0)(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
po_data : out t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0)(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end test_entity;
architecture test_entity_behav of test_entity is
po_data <= pi_data;
end test_entity_behav;
И это моя ошибка.
[saka@serbia workspace]$ xrun -top test_entity -f filelist -elaborate -clean -sv -access +rwc -v200x
xrun: 18.03-s001: (c) Copyright 1995-2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
xrun: *N,CLEAN: Removing existing directory ./xcelium.d.
errors: 0, warnings: 0
pi_data : in t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0)(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
xmvhdl_p: *E,MISRPN (test_entity.vhd,42|73): expecting a right parenthesis (')') [1.1.1].
pi_data : in t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0)(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
xmvhdl_p: *E,MISCOL (test_entity.vhd,42|84): expecting a colon (':') 87[4.3.3] 93[4.3.2].
pi_data : in t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0)(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
xmvhdl_p: *E,EXPEND (test_entity.vhd,42|98): expecting the reserved word 'END' [1.1].
end test_entity;
xmvhdl_p: *E,EXPACE (test_entity.vhd,47|0): expecting a library unit [11.1].
architecture test_entity_behav of test_entity is
xmvhdl_p: *E,ENNOFN (test_entity.vhd,49|44): Intermediate file for entity 'TEST_ENTITY' could not be loaded, entity may require re-analysis.
errors: 5, warnings: 0
xrun: *E,VHLERR: Error during parsing VHDL file (status 1), exiting.
Очевидно, что я допускаю некоторую ошибку
Если я использую это объявление
type t_data_bus_array is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
и в сущности, подобной этой
pi_data : in t_data_bus_array(NUMBER_OF_INPUTS-1 downto 0);
Нет ошибки.