Вот мой код, он дает мне ответы, когда я выбираю стартовый день за 2 недели до текущего дня, но дает мне 0 ответов за 7 дней назад,
Может кто-нибудь заглянуть в мой код и помочь мне с любымнедостающая метрика / размерность
require 'date'
require 'google/apis/analyticsreporting_v4'
require 'googleauth'
class GoogleAnalyticsControllerController < ApplicationController
include Google::Apis::AnalyticsreportingV4
include Google::Auth
VIEW_ID = "#####" #your profile ID from your Analytics Profile
SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly'
def index
@client = AnalyticsReportingService.new
#Using the "Server to Server auth mechanism as documented at
@creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds({:json_key_io => File.open('credentials.json'),
:scope => SCOPE})
@client.authorization = @creds
grr = GetReportsRequest.new
rr = ReportRequest.new
rr.view_id = VIEW_ID
#put a filter which only returns results for the root page
#We want the number of sessions
metric = Metric.new
metric.expression = "ga:pageLoadTime"
rr.metrics = [metric]
#We want this for the last 7 days
range = DateRange.new
range.start_date = "7daysAgo"
range.end_date = "yesterday"
rr.date_ranges = [range]
grr.report_requests = [rr]
response = @client.batch_get_reports(grr)
puts response.inspect
#puts response.reports.inspect
response.reports.each do |report|
puts report.data.inspect
puts response.reports.first.data.totals.first.values.first.to_i