http://www.cocos2d / апи-исх / 0.99.0 / interface_c_d_sound_engine.html
использовать CDAudioEngine. У него есть метод, который вы хотите. Кстати, SimpleAudioEngine использует CDAudioEngine для воспроизведения звуков.
Когда ваша кнопка нажата в первый раз - проиграйте звук и сохраните интервал звука для некоторой вашей переменной lass. Затем в следующем клике используйте эту переменную, чтобы определить «достаточный интервал». Или просто используйте максимум.
Если вы посмотрите на реализацию SimpleAudioEngine, то заметите, что она использует CDSoundEngine для воспроизведения звуков. Вот метод инициализации SimpleAudioEngine:
static SimpleAudioEngine *sharedEngine = nil;
static CDSoundEngine* soundEngine = nil;
static CDAudioManager *am = nil;
static CDBufferManager *bufferManager = nil;
-(id) init
if((self=[super init])) {
am = [CDAudioManager sharedManager];
soundEngine = am.soundEngine;
bufferManager = [[CDBufferManager alloc] initWithEngine:soundEngine];
mute_ = NO;
enabled_ = YES;
return self;
Таким образом, мы также можем получить доступ к CDSoundEngine:
CDSoundEngine *engine = [CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine;
При вызове метода playEffect в SimpleAudioEngine (когда нажата ваша кнопка) сохраните возвращенный идентификатор звука.
ALuint soundId = [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:...];
Теперь мы можем получить интервал, используя наш CDSoundEngine:
float seconds = [engine bufferDurationInSeconds:soundId];
Вот и ответ!
Кстати, вы также можете остановить звук с помощью CDSoundEngine, если знаете идентификатор звука.
Из CocosDenshion.h
@class CDSoundSource;
@interface CDSoundEngine : NSObject <CDAudioInterruptProtocol> {
bufferInfo *_buffers;
sourceInfo *_sources;
sourceGroup *_sourceGroups;
ALCcontext *context;
int _sourceGroupTotal;
UInt32 _audioSessionCategory;
BOOL _handleAudioSession;
BOOL mute_;
BOOL enabled_;
ALfloat _preMuteGain;
ALenum lastErrorCode_;
BOOL functioning_;
float asynchLoadProgress_;
BOOL getGainWorks_;
//For managing dynamic allocation of sources and buffers
int sourceTotal_;
int bufferTotal;
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) ALfloat masterGain;
@property (readonly) ALenum lastErrorCode;//Last OpenAL error code that was generated
@property (readonly) BOOL functioning;//Is the sound engine functioning
@property (readwrite) float asynchLoadProgress;
@property (readonly) BOOL getGainWorks;//Does getting the gain for a source work
/** Total number of sources available */
@property (readonly) int sourceTotal;
/** Total number of source groups that have been defined */
@property (readonly) int sourceGroupTotal;
/** Sets the sample rate for the audio mixer. For best performance this should match the sample rate of your audio content */
+(void) setMixerSampleRate:(Float32) sampleRate;
/** Initializes the engine with a group definition and a total number of groups */
/** Plays a sound in a channel group with a pitch, pan and gain. The sound could played looped or not */
-(ALuint) playSound:(int) soundId sourceGroupId:(int)sourceGroupId pitch:(float) pitch pan:(float) pan gain:(float) gain loop:(BOOL) loop;
/** Creates and returns a sound source object for the specified sound within the specified source group.
-(CDSoundSource *) soundSourceForSound:(int) soundId sourceGroupId:(int) sourceGroupId;
/** Stops playing a sound */
- (void) stopSound:(ALuint) sourceId;
/** Stops playing a source group */
- (void) stopSourceGroup:(int) sourceGroupId;
/** Stops all playing sounds */
-(void) stopAllSounds;
-(void) defineSourceGroups:(NSArray*) sourceGroupDefinitions;
-(void) defineSourceGroups:(int[]) sourceGroupDefinitions total:(int) total;
-(void) setSourceGroupNonInterruptible:(int) sourceGroupId isNonInterruptible:(BOOL) isNonInterruptible;
-(void) setSourceGroupEnabled:(int) sourceGroupId enabled:(BOOL) enabled;
-(BOOL) sourceGroupEnabled:(int) sourceGroupId;
-(BOOL) loadBufferFromData:(int) soundId soundData:(ALvoid*) soundData format:(ALenum) format size:(ALsizei) size freq:(ALsizei) freq;
-(BOOL) loadBuffer:(int) soundId filePath:(NSString*) filePath;
-(void) loadBuffersAsynchronously:(NSArray *) loadRequests;
-(BOOL) unloadBuffer:(int) soundId;
-(ALCcontext *) openALContext;
/** Returns the duration of the buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid */
-(float) bufferDurationInSeconds:(int) soundId;
/** Returns the size of the buffer in bytes or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid */
-(ALsizei) bufferSizeInBytes:(int) soundId;
/** Returns the sampling frequency of the buffer in hertz or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid */
-(ALsizei) bufferFrequencyInHertz:(int) soundId;
/** Used internally, never call unless you know what you are doing */
-(void) _soundSourcePreRelease:(CDSoundSource *) soundSource;
Я использую cocos2D 0.99.5
-(float) bufferDurationInSeconds:(int) soundId {
if ([self validateBufferId:soundId]) {
float factor = 0.0f;
switch (_buffers[soundId].format) {
factor = 1.0f;
factor = 0.5f;
factor = 0.5f;
factor = 0.25f;
return (float)_buffers[soundId].sizeInBytes/(float)_buffers[soundId].frequencyInHertz * factor;
} else {
return -1.0f;